Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Russian BLACKMAIL Part 2 over the Ukraine - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

If the Russians places nuclear missiles in Cuba they will be breaking the 1962 agreement between Presidents Kennedy and Chairman Khrushchev that ended the Cuban Missile Crisis, any placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba could lead to a new Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Biden Oval cannot sell out the Turks this time as JFK did in 1962 under a secret agreement between the US and Russia.   The question is how far IS Putin willing to go and how far will Biden go to STOP HIM.  It can be postulated that IF Putin takes the East Ukraine but leaves the rest that might be enough to prevent a greater WAR, but if he goes for the WHOLE of the Ukraine, then ALL BETS ARE OFF, the US will supply military resources to the Kiev Government, very much like the US did in the 1980s to the fighters in Afghanistan.  This is hard lesson for history, if you have nuclear weapons don't give them as the Ukraine did in the 1990s.  Also it should be noted that Colonel Gaddafi after 9/11 gave up his nuclear materials to the US and looked what happened to him, overthrown by NATO.  Also this is why North Korea will never give up its nuclear missiles, the Regime is safe, the US or others will never attack a nuclear armed State, that is why Iran wants to become a nuclear armed power.  Thus a very frost few weeks ahead. 

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