Thursday, January 13, 2022

The END of DIPLOMATIC TALKS between the US and Russia over Ukraine ? - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This confirms that the talks between the US and Russia was a sideshow for the Russians, they want to tell their people that they tried their hardest and what follows, whatever that is, can only be the FAULT of the West.  Putin has made it clear that the fall of the USSR was the greatest tragedy of the 20th Century, he seems to have forgotten World War 1 and 2, the holocaust of the Jews.  Mr KGB is playing a foolish game, he could drag the WORLD close to World War 3, it would not take much, a missile on the Russian side going wrong and hitting a NATO Country, the Russians making it clear that any help from the West to the Kiev Government will be seen as a ACT OF WAR, the US is already supplying Kiev with small arms and other equipment.  There could be hundred of thousands of Ukraine refuges should WAR break out and they will be heading to NATO/EU Countries.  The Biden Oval cannot be seen to appease Putin after Afghanistan, he does not want another Munich 1938 and POTUS being cast as the new Neville Chamberlain.  This developing crisis point is heading in one direction, the invasion of Ukraine and the risk of a general WAR in Europe. 

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