Thursday, January 13, 2022

The Ultimate BLACKMAIL from Putin over the Ukraine - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

If the Russians were bluffing they have gone to far, the US under Biden is not going to say NO to the Ukraine, it might make them say YES faster.  The NATO allies are not going to remove NATO troops from Eastern Europe States that are part of NATO or their equipment.  The latest line is that Putin is to be given military options if the diplomacy fails, there is two options left, have some real talks about a new INF Treaty and advance notice of military games or invade the Ukraine and make threats to the Baltic States and Poland.  Why Putin has gone this far?  The Russian President looks sane, well for a Russian tyrant.  It has to be asked who is advising him, his rich friends must be worried that their assets will be frozen by the West and Putin could be leading Russia in to a hot war with the West.  One hopes there are some sane people around Putin, also not afraid to tell him some home truths, nuclear wars are BAD! Is the Ukraine worth it,  WW3 would make WW2 look like a nice dinner party that went wrong!

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