Friday, October 02, 2020

The VIDEO Summit Tomorrow between the UK and the EU - Brexit Update 1 - Transitional Phase

Lets Get Real:

With the News that POTUS has COVID - 19 the latest talks between the UK and EU have been overshadowed, the talks did not come to an agreement and the PM has stated that it is now up to the EU to see if a we get a DEAL.  One gets the impression that the EU is just stalling, hoping that the UK will just give up and agree to a deal that suites the EU.  The problem seems to come from the French who want to make a deal on fish that goes on forever, and in their fisherman's interest.  Thus it will be interesting to see what comes out of the talks tomorrow, will the EU move, can German muzzle Paris over its demand for UK fish.  There are limits on how much concessions that the PM can give, he had to deal with the right wing of his Party.

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