Friday, October 02, 2020

Sabre rattling with WORDS - Part 2 - Brexit Update 2 - Transitional Phase

Sky News: Reports " EU taking legal action over PM's controversial Internal Market Bill - but does it matter?...Brussels claims Boris Johnson is breaching the "good faith" both sides signed up to in the withdrawal agreement. "

Lets Get Real:

As the article notes if both sides, the EU and the UK can get a trade deal then the Internal Market Bill will not matter.  Tomorrow will be interesting, the talk update will be given to the press, if the talks are to go on then there has been progress, let's recall that the PM has given the 15th of October as a deadline, if there is common ground then the talks can go on, but if the EU is just not moving on let's say fish then the UK can blame the French, the French President us under pressure from his fishing community not to give concessions, the UK PM might have to sell a concession that the UK would allow for a three year phased withdraw of EU ships from UK water and fish, if the French still demand a forever deal, then the UK has to walk away.  Due to COVID - 19 it is in everyone's interest to get a DEAL.  Deal or NO deal are the options.

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