Friday, October 02, 2020

POTUS goes to Hospital due to COVID - 19 - US Presidential Election/Health

Lets Get Real:

The news that POTUS has gotten COVID - 19 has been the top story of the day, at the start of the day CNN was acting as if POTUS has to proof to them that he was sick, and if anyone cares what CNN thinks, in less your left wing loon.  That network gave the right to be taken in serious manner when it forgot it was a news channel.  Even its founder Ted Turner stated that it had gotten to much in to the political news.  Whatever you think of Trump, he is still President of the United States and should be treated as such, its the job of CNN to report the news not comment on every aspect.  If you think Fox News IS the state TV with POTUS, wait in till Biden takes over, it will be puff stories all day from CNN on a Biden Presidency.   The President has been taken to hospital out of caution, should things get worse, and no one wants that, in less your left wing loon, then the VP will take over, its in the Constitution. 

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