Friday, July 19, 2019

Why did IRAN Seize a UK Flagged Tanker - Gulf Crisis 2 - End of the May Era

Lets Get Real:

The above is TOMMY ROT as they used to say in my day, it is LIE, the UK Tanker was in international waters, the Tanker was taken by Iran as a result of the UK taking an Iranian tanker in Gibraltar.   In the 1930s there was Winston Churchill who warned about the threat from Nazi Germany, in the early 1980s Reagan coined the phrase the " Evil Empire " for the USSR, at the end of the 80s the Cold War was finished and so war the USSR within a few short years.  When looking at the modern leadership today,  who will stand up to appeasears, the US shot down a Iranian drone as a counter to Iran shooting down a US drone, but the Trump Oval did not strike Iran, thus Iran thought it could get away with taking a UK tanker.  Sometimes when leading you have to face down the enemy and be willing to finish them off.   As stated what happens IF and WHEN Tehran gets the nuclear bomb, it will be to late then.  Appeasement gets you WAR. 

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