Monday, July 22, 2019

Trump and the Squad - Election 2020 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The Trump Oval likes to use the bully pulpit when it comes to the Squad, he is most racist President since Woodrow Wilson and Richard Nixon, at least these two Presidents had success when it came to foreign policy, ending of WW1 for Wilson and the opening of China for Nixon.   What has President Trump gain on the world stage, bending over backwards to kiss the backside of Russia and North Korea and taking the US out of the Obama deal with Iran.   Let's call a spade a spade, Trump is the modern Neville Chamberlain when it comes to Russia and North Korea, the next POTUS will have to build up the Western alliance and make sure the Russia and North Korea know the score, that the United States will no be a pushover any more.  Of course the Democrats have to WIN the 2020 race, the fight so far is between Biden, Harris, Sanders and Warren.   There are two debats next week, the first one will have Warren vs. Sanders, one of these two candidates has to knock the other out, then they will get their voters, at present the split the vote and that helps Biden.  The following debate the next day will have Biden at the centre of the debate stage, and will have Booker to his right and Harris to his left.  The Biden Camp will expect in coming from these two candidates, the former VP has to show that he is up the job, otherwise he will find it hard to get to Iowa in 2020.   As a former Democratic Speaker of the House used to say, all politics is local. 

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