Monday, July 22, 2019

US increases Troops to Saudi Arabia - Iranian Crisis Update - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The theocracy ruled IRAN, better watch its step, the Trump Oval could do with a good war, as the US will not use combat troops in Iran, it has learned the lesson Iraq, it could simply take Iran out by air power alone.  If should attack Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the US has forces in the region and ships to counter any real threat from Iran.   Let's recall the US has the mother of ALL BOMBS, non nuclear but can destroy mountains as happened in Afghanistan.  The Tehran Regime, both the secular and religious is under pressure due to the economic sanctions on Iran by the US, it is a question of time, can the Tehran Regime out last the Trump Administration, of course that depends on Trump is losing in 2020, what happens if he wins.   Thus expect more fireworks in the Gulf, Iran could be close to the Trump red line, and not know it, time might be on the side of the Trump Oval. 

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