Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Latest on US and Iran Tensions - Middle East/Persia - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The US is playing good cop/bad cop, while the Secretary of State talks diplomacy, the Defence Department has sent a US Carrier to the region, a bomber group, and Trump is talking tough on Iran, when it comes to troops overthrowing the Regime.  The recent sabotage of vessels in the Gulf has caused more tension, any actual fighting will start should Iran or its allies target US interests or close down the Strait of Hormuz, this is the pathway for Western oil, any threat to that small space of water would cause the US to react in a firm manner.  

The TOUGH US sanctions on Iran is causing the economy of IRAN to go down the toilet, the regime might in attempt to divert attention through using its terrorist allies, if the US can prove a link between Tehran and any incident then the Trump Oval will react with overwhelming force, the Oval Office is no longer held by Obama, and Trump likes to do 100% different path of Barack Obama.   The Tehran Regime has to be very careful, it should recall the Iraq War and the end of that Regime and the fall of Gaddafi of Libya, the US has the force to remove despots. 

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