Sunday, May 12, 2019

Is Iran DELUDED over the US ? - Middle East/Persia - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

IF the above is TRUE, then Iran has very bad Generals, if a conflict should break out between Iran and the US, the winner will be the US, the US armed forces, air, land and sea could take down the Tehran Regime in a WEEK, those that fail to understand have not gotten the lesson of the Iraq War of 2003 and bombing of Libya that lead to the downfall of Colonel Gaddafi.   This would not be President Obama in the WHITE HOUSE, it would be Donald Trump, and he will go as far as needed to WIN, whatever the cost to Iran.   On the other hand this story could be out there because the Tehran Regime wants to send good new to its public.   The US sanctions are hurting, worse that the Iraq - Iran war as reported from Tehran.   If religious theocracy in Tehran had a brain cell it would do a DEAL, no more nukes planning, no more rockets, and no more giving money to terrorist groups, then the US would lift sanctions, the US under Trump would not care how the Regime treated its own people, that is the harsh truth.   Will Tehran smell the coffee!!

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