Sunday, May 12, 2019

Iran under PRESSURE from US - Middle East/Persia - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

If IRAN was a REAL DEMOCRACY and secular then a deal could be done by the US and Iran, but since the religious order have the final say the events in the Middle East could lead to a WAR.   The religious factions that control Iran know that if they did a deal on their nuclear structure they face been overthrown by the young generation of Iran.  One always hears that the majority of the population is young, and born after the revolution, well one day they will have had enough, of living under a religious theocracy that suppress the individual will and only holds on to power by having a ruthless elite and supporting terrorists in the region.  One such group is in Lebanon and poses a threat to Israel, while IRAN has its own forces in Syria, these could attack US forces, also Iran could stop oil going to the West.  If the Tehran Regime become a THREAT to Western Oil, one can postulate that the Trump Oval would be more than happy to take out the Government in IRAN.   The growing tensions in the region could lead to a regional war, with Israel, Saudi Arabia on the side of the US against Iran.   If there is a WAR, it would place the Democrats in a bind, are they going to oppose Trump while US troops could be fighting Tehran, and will former VP, Joe Biden want to restore the nuclear deal between the UN and Iran, he could face awkward questions in run up to 2020. 

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