Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Trump MEETS Kim for 2nd Time - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

It is so SAD to see a US President being conned by North Korea, POTUS thinks he is the smartest guy in the room when it comes to FOREIGN POLICY, he is not, he wants to be another Reagan, the Gipper used to say Trust but Verify when it comes to DEALS.  US intelligence has stated that North Korea is still a NUCLEAR THREAT, it can be postulated that North Korea wants to reform its economy, it's in the toilet, but it does not want to give up its nuclear arms.   Thus Kim will play Trump, get him to take sanctions off and even remove US military from South Korea, while developing his economy and keeping the BOMB.  This blog can not see any other US President being this foolish, even President Obama, and he did not go to Tehran for his failed nuclear deal.  One can also state that Hillary Clinton if she had won in 2016 would not have allowed herself to be conned.   What has happened to the HAWKS for the Republican Party, Nixon and Reagan would have been highly critical of the Trump move if they were still around. 

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