Tuesday, November 27, 2018

President Trump is CRITICAL of Ronald Reagan - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

President Trump is not worthy to shine the Golf Shoes of President Reagan.   President Reagan had to deal with Democratic House throughout his two terms as President, and then deal with a Democratic Senate in his last two years.  The Gipper could make DEALS, he worked with the Democrats, he cut government spending, he had a major tax cut, the next one of that scale was by Trump,  he then increased defence spending, to such levels that the old USSR could not match it, he used American power Lebanon and Grenada, he showed the US was back after Vietnam.  The Gipper called out the Soviet Union by calling it the " Evil Empire "  In the 2nd term he had summits with President Gorbachev of the USSR, their Summits ended the Cold War, and lead within a few years to the fall of the USSR itself.   On the domestic front Reagan and the Democrats reformed taxes, and showed that the White House could work with a Democratic Hill.   As for Presidente Trump he has not won a 2nd term, he has been far to friendly with Putin of Russia, he thinks he can deal with North Korea, and his tone as President has not been Presidential.  President Trump will be lucky not to get impeached next year.   Ronald Reagan was a GREAT President, his VP won in 1988, neither Bill Clinton or President Obama could get the Democratic nominee after them elected. 

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