Sunday, March 08, 2015

The Obama White House and the Clinton Emails - 2016 Race

The New York Times: Reports that President Obama only learned last week that Hillary Clinton was using her own email service, the article notes the following, " ...the White House has refused to say whether they believe that Mrs. Clinton violated any administration policies or broke any laws by conducting all of her business with a private email address. "

Lets Get Real:

One has to question IF President Obama is serious about the job of being President, one can assume that he got and sent emails to his Secretary of State, would you not see that the address was not a government email, did the Director of the CIA send any secret emails to the State Department, the issue of how secure the Clinton emails has come up, one can assume that North Korea, China, Iran, Russia and Israel through the Mossad would have checked to see how secure the Clinton email server was, did the NSA give the Clinton server its okay to get secret emails etc.   The Clintons have to answer serious questions on the threat to national security they created by using their own emails.    IF it comes out that it was breached then the Clinton Campaign is finished before it gets startred.   This is a developing story. 

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