Saturday, March 07, 2015

The Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton - 2016 Race

Lets Get Real:

The Obama staffers who are annoyed at the Clinton Campaign better get used to it, the Clinton camp is a followng a strategy of saything nothing, allowing the Obama Oval to take the heat.  The Oval Office and the staff  have to careful, from the end of the year as you go in to the primary fight you will find that the White House gets lets attention, the attention will be on Iowa and NH, the White House staff could run naked around the White House and they would get know attention as the political reporters will be in the cold of Iowa, with the two campaigns.   Also the very staff that are annoyed with the Clintons will want a job with with them should Hillary Clinton win, the Clintons have long memories, so staff should say nothing in public or private, the Obama's after 2017 will be gone back to Chicago and a new Clinton Era would start in D.C.

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