Friday, April 05, 2013

Obama's Budget - 2nd Obama Term

CNN - Politics: Reports that Republican House Speaker John Boehner has been highly critical of the expected Obama Budget, the article notes the following on the views of the Speaker and Democrats, " ..takes no steps towards finding common ground with Republicans...The reported entitlement program changes have also received fire from left-leaning groups who argue the changes would hurt vulnerable individuals.  ".

Lets Get Real:

This Budget is dead on arrival folks, the Republicans will not agree to new tax hikes, while Democrats running in the House and Senate can not afford to annoy those on the left that give them money.    The President is looking for an issue, the Budget gives the PR of dealing with the welfare budget but its a faint, its a drop in the water folks.  The President at this very minute is out raising money for Democrats, the President wants a Democratic House and Senate after 2014, it is generally accepted that the chance of this happening is a long shot, 2nd Term Presidents in their mid terms tend to lose, and there is ObamaCare, costs have actually gone up, so the Republicans have an issue to run on, while Obama's scare tactics over the present budge cuts have come back to bite him on the backside, the President over sold the end of the world picture he drew if the cuts were allowed to come in to force, the World did not end, once you start to lose the credibility argument it is hard to get it back, just look at LBJ and the Vietnam War, while the President is saying that the War is going well, the people can see the reverse.   Thus the Republicans should stand tough  NO NEW TAX HIKES, cuts in welfare YES, times for Republicans to be Republicans. 

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