Friday, April 05, 2013

North Korea Warns Russia and UK over Embassy Staff - NK Crisis Update 1

BBC News: Reports that the North Korean Regime has warned the UK Embassy Staff in North Korea that the Regime can not guarantee is safety after April 10th should a conflict developed in the region. 

Lets Get Real:

The North Koreans are pushing this Crisis to the point if they do not do something they will lose face, and honour and face is VERY important is Asian culture, what is Pyongyang up, is it trying to drag in the UK and Russia, to place some kind of pressure on the US to back down in some way, if this is the idea is a bad mistake, the FCO has no influence with 10 Downing Street, never mind the Oval, the Oval has two problems, the steady developing crisis in North Korea and how this looks to Israel and Iran, if Israel thinks that the Oval will back down they will start to ask will the Oval really deal with Iran.  In Tehran, Iran the Regime must be asking, can they push the Oval, if they get the bomb the Oval will have to place pressure on Israel  not take action, in fact any action against Iran would be out of the question if they had the bomb, also the Middle East would see an arms race, thus folks the  consequences of North Korean  Crisis has its ramifications in the Middle East. 

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