Friday, January 20, 2012

Gingrich and the Main Stream Media

BBC News: Reports that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was highly critical of the main stream media for going over his personal history at last nights Republican Debate. The Republican Debate started at 1am UK time folks, but it was worth the wait, the former Speaker really went after CNN and ABC News, he accused the MSM of protecting President Obama while out to destroy the Republican Candidates. Governor Romney had one high, he stated he was not going to say sorry for being wealthy, while on the downside he stated he would not release his tax returns in till April. As noted in this blog the liberal NYT has started this demand, they are no interested in the truth, they are seeking anything that helps Obama get re-elected, thus it can be argued that since Romney is the presumptive Republican Nominee he should not give the liberal media any arrows to throw at him in till he is good and ready, wise strategic if not tactical move by Romney. On the whole after two hours it was a Gingrich night, Senator Santorum will not get the nomination but he might hand it to Romney by splitting the Conservative vote, thus in a way Santorum is a great ally for Romney.

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