Friday, January 20, 2012

The Huhne Case - Driving Points

Telegraph: Reports that the Liberal Democrat Energy Secretary Chris Huhne will learn in weeks if he will be charged by the Police for getting his then wife to take driving points for him. This case has been going on for months folks, either the Police charge the Secretary of State or close down the case. Lets be honest here folks Mr Huhne is not that popular with Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat Leader and Deputy PM in the UK Coalition Government, Mr Clegg beat Mr Huhne for the Liberal Democrat leadership and there has been tension since, there have been constant rumours that should Nick Clegg fall it would be down to the political schemes of Mr Huhne, the Secretary of State is very ambitions. If and it’s a big IF Mr Huhne is charged and is convicted there could be a by-election, the Conservatives could take the Seat, so it might be a good result for the Conservative Party if Mr Huhne has to resign.

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