Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gingrich and South Carolina

The New York Times: Has looked at all the recent polls out of South Carolina and writes the following, “ Yes, Mr. Gingrich does have momentum — and a lot of it. But as the article notes due to changeable voters either Gingrich or Romney could win well, also as noted in my posts we have the ex wife problem that the Gingrich Campaign had to deal with, the former Speaker’s line on this has been that he has made mistakes and is a grandfather and looks to the Lord for forgiveness, this might go down well with the Conservative Republican voters SC. It can be expected that the Speaker will do well in tonight’ debate, but one should expect Romney to take issue with Gingrich on is Super Pac, stress his family background, yes you get the idea, Romney will have a tough fight with President Obama, thus he better start learning how to street fight, it’s the Chicago way.

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