Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Florida Polls - RCP

RCP: Reports on its average of the Florida Polls in the Republican Race, today Speaker Gingrich leads Governor Romney by 36.0 to 32.0%, while third is Senator Santorum on 11.6%. Thus a 4% lead for the Speaker. The Romney Campaign has do double down in its attack on Gingrich as a Washington Insider, the Campaign can not afford to lose Florida, thus Romney’s Super Pac must start to hit Gingrich on all his negatives, his ethic problems while in Congress, his troubled leadership of the Republican House in the 1990s, while also stressing the family image of Mitt Romney. As this is Florida stress that Gingrich took money from a Government Agency that shattered the Housing market. In other words Florida is a knife fight, the Romney Campaign if it wants to be the nominee has to show STEEL, the Obama re-elect committee will go after Romney if he is the nominee, thus time for Governor Romney and his Campaign to become hard headed and ruthless, that’s the only way to win against the Chicago political mob.

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