Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Obama’s State of the Union Address Part Two

BBC News: Reports on President Obama’s call in the State of the Union Address for taxes to go up for the rich. The speech was typical class warfare, one got the idea that Obama thought he was LBJ and he was recreating the Great Society, one thing you have to say about LBJ was that he was a better political operator, he got Republican support for his Civil Rights reform, Obama could not get one Republican to support ObamaCare. The Speech was all about BIG GOV, it was not Bill Clinton’s the Era of Big Government is over. The President even after the scandal of his green policy still wants to spend money on green jobs that cost the US taxpayer and are not worth the paper they are written. POTUS also wants to give amnesty to young immigrants who are in the US illegally. On Foreign Policy POTUS state that US troops were coming home from Afghanistan, problem he has given the Taliban a timetable when NATO is leaving, the US troops withdrawal starts at the height of the Summer fighting in Afghanistan in 2012. Through praising the troops who killed OBL he wanted to take credit for the order, slight problem he has undermined the Pakistan Government and the Government could fall at any time. On Iran Obama stated all options were all the table, the problem has to be asked does Tehran see Obama as a threat and if you were Israel would you trust Obama to support you, one has doubts. It was a Campaign speech folks, nothing less or more, also this Obama is not the same Obama as 2008, the magic has gone, the odd flourish but its not the same candidate.

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