Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ObamaCare and Congressional Democrats

The Hill: Reports that Democrats in Congress are worried that ObamaCare will be thrown out by the US Supreme Court. In many respects this would help the Oval, at least the hated mandate, by which US Citizens would be forced to buy medical cover would not be an issue in November 2012. The real worry for the Chicago Obama re-elect committee would be if the US Supreme Court decided it was legal, thus would make the tea party movement come out in droves in November. The Republican candidates would have a field day if the Court gave the green light to ObamaCare, even Romney has argued that RomneyCare is not a template for the rest of the US. Thus the Republicans could make ObamaCare their major issue in till November. Thus the tea party supporters and independent voters it can be argued could push the Republican Nominee over the wining line.

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