Wednesday, November 16, 2011

UK Unemployment = 8.3%

BBC News: Reports that UK unemployment has risen to 2.62 million or 8.3%, of that 1.02 million is youth unemployment. As this blog in its time has been in the youth unemployment area in the early 1990’s its not fun folks, also any measures taken by the Government at the time has a delay in getting in to motion and its effect is negated by the economic conditions that develop beyond the original scope of any Government Plan. The great idea in the early 1990’s was for more students to go to University, it was hoped that 50% of students would go in to higher education, the net result folks, the value of a Degree has been devalued, if you want to work in a modern store as a shelf packer you need a Masters, as Graduates cant get jobs in the graduate field they have to go down the food chain, in other words non graduates who would have expected to get jobs that didn’t need a honours degree find that they can be in competition for a low paid job with a someone who might have a Doctorate. Its that bad folks, so any new Government plan wont be enough, will take time and by the time its in motion the economic field will have changed. At the end of the day its business that makes jobs, when Government tries it fouls it up badly, and creates shallow stupid degrees that gives a student a false idea of his or her job worth, lets be honest there to many media degrees etc, thus the Government should cut taxes for business, allow people who make money to keep that money, then they will buy products, people will get hired and unemployment will go down. Its not what people want to hear but it’s the truth folks.

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