Friday, June 03, 2011

US Unemployment = 9.1%

Guardian: Reports that unemployment in the US rose from 9% to 9.1%. As wise campaign manager once stated its “ the economy stupid ” in other words it does not how much the main stream media cover for President Obama the people on main street know that Obama’s economic policies are not working, his vast spending in the first two years has not created jobs or bought down the health costs. The only idea to come out of the Oval is to raise taxes, typical tax and spend liberal. One has to be blunt for a bright guy POTUS is an economic idiot, in his Liberal Hollywood world, you raise taxes on the rich and then everything is okay, problem, if you tax the rich at 100% why should they bother to create jobs, the PUBLIC SECTOR does not create jobs, it does not lead to a booming economy, it has the reverse effect, think the Cuba and the Soviet Union, if people cant make money they will no nothing, you have decline and fall, does Obama want a post imperial American, where the powers are China, India, at least JFK had RFK and Reagan had Nancy, people who told the President the unvarnished truth, TRUTH that can HURT, Obama can be beaten folks, in 1997 UK election Sir John Major had on the whole nice encounters with the voters, the reason they voters had decided to vote for Tony Blair, Obama should not mistake big crowds for the idea he is going to win, it could mean the reverse, but it’s a long road to 2012 folks.

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