Tuesday, June 14, 2011

2012 Republican Candidates vs. POTUS

BBC News: Reports on the latest Republican Debate, the Republican candidates seeking the Republican nomination have attacked the economic record of President Obama and his creation of ObamaCare. The Republicans if they are clever will stick to economic issues, aka Bill Clinton in 1992, if the unemployment rate in the US in November of 2012 is over 9% then Obama will be a one term President. It can be postulated that the Obama Chicago Election Committee will not want to discuss the domestic economic agenda, its bad, they will want to discuss social issues like abortion and immigration, Obama will want to secure his liberal base, thus the Oval will try to set the political agenda by arguing that Republicans will ban abortion for women, will not grant some kind amnesty for those in the US who are illegal immigrants. The 2012 fight for POTUS will not be like 2008, Obama has a four year record that he will have to defend, from his economic stimulus that has failed to create jobs, ObamaCare that has not reduce the cost of health care in the US, on the international front Liberals will not be happy that the US is still in Afghanistan and Iraq and that Obama has started another War in Libya. But its early folks, there might be other Republican Candidates, but so far the Republican to beat is Governor Romney.

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