Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Thirty Years Backstairs of the White House by Lillian Rogers Parks

The New York Times: The Obituary of Lillian Rogers Parks from 1997, Mrs Parks worked on the White House domestic staff and become a writer. The reason for the above is that True Movies in the UK has just re- shown the 1979 mini series of My Thirty Years Backstairs of the White House, this was one of the shows that got this blogger interested American politics when young, always been favourite memory for this blogger. Have to admit was tempted not to see it again, memory can play tricks, but folks it was still fantastic, as Mrs Parks Mother, Maggie Rogers started to work in the White House from 1909, but also recorded events it was nice and fascinating guide in to the American Presidency. It a pity that Mr Parks didn’t serve in the Kennedy White House, that would have provided some very interesting backstairs gossip. If you want a foundation in to the American Presidency, the real people and the historical events this is fine show to catch. I think its fair to say the Hoover's don’t come out well, and the Eisenhower’s bit mixed, but you cant have everything. If you get a chance watch the series but recall its one's persons perspective, one can see why Mrs Kennedy made the staff sign a secrecy agreement, just think JFK and you get the idea. But its great asset to history folks.

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