Tuesday, February 15, 2011

100 Billion Cuts - 2011 Budget

The Hill: Reports on a House of Representatives Amendment that would add 20 billion more cuts to the planned Republican leadership cuts of 61 billion. The would be in line with the Republican message of 2010. The Tea Party and Conservative Republicans should use their power to go for deep and painful cuts in the welfare system, the US voter does not want to go over a cliff with the Democrats. The 2010 Mid Term Elections was a message from the voter to the Washington Establishment, fourteen trillion is enough debt. Its time to cut the welfare state before the welfare state buries the US. The people will have to work longer, those richer Americans will be means tested for their benefits, those on Middle Incomes will get their tax benefits revoked. It has to be harsh to work folks, otherwise the US will follow the British Empire and go broke.

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