Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reagan by Eugene Jarecki

The New York Times: Reviews the Documentary on Ronald Reagan by Eugene Jarecki. Having seen the documentary of late it is quite fair, also it has some great footage of Reagan that this Reagan buff has not seen, interesting to see Reagan with Truman, also when Reagan was Governor of California having a public argument, raise voices, not your usual image of Reagan. One has to say Reagan was great, if you think about it, Reagan left office in 1989, he died after a long illness in 2004, but if you came from Mars you would think he was still leading the Republicans, the Republicans Candidates for 2012 want to be the son or daughter of Reagan and the left wing media cant seem to leave the Gipper alone. It is fair to say that even JFK after his death in 1963 didn’t get this much press coverage years later, yes before you start what about the books, well those books tend to cover the death of the President and which conspiracy angle you support, also the JFK legacy took a dive with the news of his affairs while in office and the CIA attempts to kill Castro. Also this blog would argue, selling out Turkey over the Cuban Missile Crisis didn’t help. Thus since 1945 there have been really only the following great Presidents, Truman, JFK and Reagan, will Obama be the next great, so far this blog is not rushing to place any bets.

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