Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Obama and the State of the Union Speech

Guardian: It is always easy to tell if a left politician is in trouble, the left media build him after a defeat, in this case the 2010 Mid Term Elections, the article looks at the Obama State of Union Address and can only see plus side of the sheet, the article states the following on Obama at the moment, it seems to me that the White House people are clearly winning this public relations battle……Finally and most importantly, Republicans are on the defensive”, that the Republicans will help Obama win re-election, as the Republicans helped Bill Clinton in 1996. One has to wonder why Obama has to bother giving the speech the Guardian and the New York Times will praise his move to the centre, his investment in other words spending, But its early folks, these old papers are forgetting the political landmines out there, the US Court system could throw out ObamaCare, then Obama has nothing on the domestic front, even if that does not happens Obama will have to defend ObamaCare in 2012, also his argument that there should be tax hikes, lets be honest and direct here, in Arizona and here at the State Union he is the centre of attention, in 2012 it’s a two man race, or woman even, Obama wont be the new kid on the block, he looks old now, being old does not help youth centric culture of the US. Let the left wing and liberals celebrate and miss the point, its not new, some on the left wanted Ronald Reagan to be the Republican candidate in 1980, they thought Jimmy Carter could beat him, YES folks they can be that OUT of it, two years is an age in politics folks, Jimmy Carter in 1979 had Iran and Afghanistan to deal with, events, events always around the corner folks.

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