Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama and Fox News

Politico: Reports that Moderate and Conservative Democrats are worried by the attack stand of the Obama Administration when it comes to Fox News. This is the problem you find when one Party has total control of Congress, an arrogant White House who are still in Campaign mode, also a bunch of Chicago politicians who come from dysfunctional and corrupt state such as Illinois. It is ironic that President Obama has become the New Nixon, one can see Richard Nixon looking down at his successor and smiling and saying " That my real Successor ". If your a moderate or a blue dog Democrat you have to get elected or re-elected in states between New York and California, if you listen to Obama you will go down the political toilet. Thus moderate or blue dog Democrats vote against the Obama Health Care Reform Bill and tell the Oval that if President Obama is not losing sleep over the fight with Fox News he should stop writing his Nobel Peace Prize Speech and care more about House Democrats at risk in the 201o Mid Term Elections.

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