Friday, October 23, 2009

"It wants to delegitimize any significant dissent " Krauthammer on Obama White House

RCP: Excellent article by Mr Krauthammer on how the Obama White House is turning in to the Nixon White House. What is ironic is that both Obama and Nixon shared two aspects, they are both highly intelligence but very thin skinned, they are not Ronald Reagan. The Gipper had to put up with a lot worse from the Main Stream Media, on the whole the liberals of the period thought that Reagan would start World War Three, thus Gipper was attacked personally and policy wise, but he didn't start a war against the New York Times or the Washington Post. Its a matter if your loved by the voters, Reagan like JFK was loved, what ever their faults. On the other hand no one ever accused the American voter of loving Nixon, but they had a secret admiration for the man, he was one of them, he had worked his way up the system. As for Obama it can be argued that the US voter wanted to love him, they wanted another JFK or Reagan but Obama has allowed his own arrogance to get in the way, thus the health care debate. Obama might think that Reagan will go down as a great President but he has not caught on to the fact that although he had the love of the voters he also had the policies, Obama is all wind from Chicago.

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