Friday, October 23, 2009

NATO pressure on Obama = Afghanistan

The New York Times: Reports on the NATO pressure on Obama to send more troops, the NYT writes the following, “ defense ministers gave their broad endorsement Friday to the counterinsurgency strategy for Afghanistan laid out by Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal…” In essence NATO has told VP Biden to get lost with his plan to reduce troops in Afghanistan and use drones to attack Al Qaeda bases in Pakistan. It will be harder for President Obama not to send troops now to Afghanistan, LBJ would have sold one of his daughters to have NATO in Vietnam, to have them want to send more troops he would have sold Texas back to Mexico. Also the UK has announced that will send another five hundred troops to Afghanistan on the condition that the rest of NATO also follows through, that includes a the Nobel Prize Winning President. I think its safe to say that Obama will send the troops through gritted teeth. Folks this time the UK just might win in Afghanistan.

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