Friday, October 23, 2009

Iran 1 - West 0 ( Nuclear Threat )

Fox News: Reports that Iran has rejected the deal offered by the UN's IAEA, the deal would mean that Iran would transfer its nuclear material first to Russia then to France, after it had been made safe it would be sent back to Iran to be used for peaceful purposes. This is surprising move by Iran if the news is later confirmed, as stated this blog thought Iran would use the deal as a means of a Trojan Horse. In other words send out its public nuclear material and keep going with presumed secret material at its secret facilities. It could be that this is the crossroads for Iran, its either NOW that it comes a nuclear power or not, what will Israel do, let me guess, the birds are ready to fly and and all it takes is for the fuel to be put in the planes and we could have another war in the Middle East. At the end of the day its not down to Obama, its down to Israel and its Mossad, if Israel is under threat then Israel has a morale duty to protect its citizens, the world should not allow another holocaust.

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