Slate: Hitchens goes for Hillary Clintons throat over her lies about coming under snipre fire in Bosnia. This is a hard hitting piece on the trip. Also Hitchens goes on to stress the failure of Clinton Foreign Policy to deal with Bosnia, he reports that Hillary Clinton was more interested in Health Care than Bosnia. Must Read of the Day.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Monday, March 31, 2008
The Hillary Clinton Sham over Health Care
The Politico: Reports did not pay the health coverage of its workers. In other words deadbeats employers. It is a scandal for the Hillary Clinton Campaign, since 1993 Health Care reform has been associated with Hillary Clinton. The Reform plan failed in the early 1990s and now she cant even pay for her workers to get decent health care. If she cant do that for her campaign think what she would do to the USA.
Obama Surge - Super Delegates
WSJ: Reports that Obama is surging in Super Delegates, from the Senate to the House. One gets the feeling that the pressure is growing for Hillary Clinton to get out of the race.
More Deaths in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports more Deaths in Afghanistan, this time we have lost Two Soldiers, Royal Marines. UK losses now stand at 91. The Times of London Reports, that France will put more troops in to Afghanistan. The West can not afford to lose in Afghanistan.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Clinton another Gipper ?
Washington Post: A very interesting article by the WP, Hillary Clinton is starting to recall Ronald Reagan in 1976, he went to the Convention, similar position, but he had the popular vote but was over Hundred delegates behind. The 1976 Campaign of course lead to victory in 1980 and a great Presidency. The question is can Hillary Clinton win at the Convention, Obama will try to create a force field around Florida and Michigan, the usual line you cant change the rules while the game is on, in other words Hillary your a loser.
Money Talks and Walks!!
The Politico: Reports that the Clinton Machine has a problem it cant spin, its low the green stuff, not grass but the dollar. Its not paying its bills, how much more money will Hillary Clinton have to give to her own Campaign, correction how much of Bill Clinton's money will he allow to go down the drain. When will she release her tax returns, will those tax returns show how much Bill has earned, and more important form who and who has given the Presidential Library. It wold be ironic if Hillary Clinton was forced out of the Campaign by money worries, it would also be fun, politics is ruthless no cup of tea and biscuits but don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Dallas,Texas win for Obama Again!
Dallas News: By the Lords of Kobol, Texas is still counting its votes, Obama is ahead in the Caucus system, but it is a mess. If it was not serious it would make a good send up for a Hollywood movie. Get J.R Ewing in there of Dallas fame, he is a fictional character but to be honest would take his word over the shambles of the Democratic Process in Texas.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Hamlet Speaks
The Boston Globe: The former Governor of New York, Mario M. Cuomo, wants Obama and Clinton to show leadership, sorry but from a man who could not make his mind up if wanted to be on the Supreme Court of the United States, give me a break.
Update: The story of the US Supreme Court Job can be found in a great book by George Stephanopoulos, All Too Human, A Political Education. Worth a Buy and Read.
The Democratic Mess
National Journal: A very good article that shows how the Democrats are playing in the hands of the Republicans, raised more money, but who are they attacking, fellow Democrats. While McCain can define himself the Dems are helping the Republicans with the attacks on each other, Judas etc. Must Read of the Day.
Judas Remix
Washington Post: Mr James Carville ( Clinton Cadre 1 )goes to defend his remark that the New Mexico Governor Richardson is a Judas for his support of Senator Obama, and also adds that he is a Traitor to boot, it seems that he agrees as he writes in the WP with " .....Matthew Dowd is right: Had it been the Fourth of July, I probably would have called him Benedict Arnold ". It seems just because Bill Clinton placed him in high office, he owes life loyalty to the Clinton's, that is a Jesus complex!! But one piece of news in the article was this comment, " I know that a former president of the United States who appointed someone to two Senate-confirmed positions is entitled to have his phone calls returned. " Did Governor Richardson not have the courtesy to speak to the Former President, don't see the Gipper having to put up with that or being happy, but then Clinton is not Reagan, Reagan's Vice - President won the election and Obama considers Reagan a transforming President compared to Nixon and Clinton.
Friday, March 28, 2008
NYT on Casey
New York Times: Reports on the background for the Casey support of Obama. As stated previously I see this as a trend, expect more endorsements.
Obama and the Pastor
CNN: Reports that Obama will state he would have left his Church if his pastor had not retired, Obama is learning you have to be ruthless in Presidential Politics. The row might not move much in the Democratic Party but they are very Liberal. Obama will have problems with this issue in the general election. Recent surveys show that Clinton voters would vote for McCain over Obama. Obama has to build up his support in the White community, otherwise he will lose the election.
Dean and the Titanic
Fox News: Howard Dean the Chairman of the DNC the man who helped create the mess in the Democratic Race wants the Super Delegates to save his political career. He wants them to make their minds up by July. The reason his bad management skills as in connection with Florida and Michigan is one of the reasons for this mess. If Super Delegate would tell Dean to keep out of this business, he was a failed Presidential Candidate and he has failed the Democratic Party.
Leahy to Clinton, GET OUT OF THE RACE
Fox News: Reports that the Senior Democratic Senator, Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont has asked that Clinton get out of the race, the pressure will build, as stated in previous post the Casey support on the heels of the Richardson support should be a major signal to Clinton to get out of the race, in pure politics its better to get out without losing a Convention fight, come back again but if she was to lose it would be over for her Presidential Plans.
More Good News for Obama Reports that one of the State's US Senators is to endorse Obama. Thus will help Obama in Pennsylvania, Bob Casey and before that Governor Richardson, is the Clinton Campaign on the Bridge to nowhere!!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Clinton = Nader
New York Times: The Liberal Times must really want Hillary Clinton out of the race, to compare her to Nader the man that is seen within the Democratic Party of handing the Presidency to Bush 43. I would argue that Clinton is doing a Reagan, in 1976 the Gipper was in the same position he went all the way to Convention, lost but came back in 1980. The question is Clinton a Democratic Reagan, if she was to lose in 08 can she come back in 2012. The Media has changed, also Obama could win in the General then it would be over for Clinton. Even if McCain was to win, would not Obama have another right to run, think of that this race again in four years!!.
New General Election Poll - USA
Rasmussen: A new poll has John McCain ahead of Clinton and Obama by ten points. Here is the Poll:
McCain 51 %
Obama 41 %
McCain 51 %
Clinton 41 %
McCain 51 %
Obama 41 %
McCain 51 %
Clinton 41 %
The more the Clinton and Obama Camps feud more that McCain can develop a lead. Lets hope the Democratic race goes till August.
The WILL of One
The Hill: Article of the views of the Democratic Speaker of the House. The Speaker has stated that the Super Delegates should support the winner of the Pledge Delegates. This is of course not Hillary Clinton, the real race is not the up coming votes but the votes of the Super Delegates. The only way Clinton can win is if the Super Delegates take her will over the will over the voters. This might happen but I have my doubts.
Lets end this Mess
The Boston Globe: Interesting article that looks at the fighting between the Clinton and Obama Camps and the effect on the Democratic Party. Looking for options to close the race down. Read of the Day.
The Al Gore Surge
Time: Its gone from the blogs, to state papers and now a respected Magazine. The Idea, that Al Gore can come to the rescue of the Democratic Party. As stated in previous Blog, he has the right claim for the job, although a lousy candidate he is good at government. Gore and Obama just might be the way forward for the Democratic Party. The only problem is the Clintons, who is going to giver her the garlic.
SAS Death in Iraq
BBC News: Yesterday I was sad to hear of another death in Baghdad, Iraq. The news was limited as it seems the Soldier was with the SAS, it seems from reports that the SAS was after high level terrorist targets. This death brings the UK losses to 176.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Another Gore Article and the Presidency
CNN: Another article on the prospect of Al Gore as the Democratic Nominee. Must Read of the Day.
Clinton Camp = No Comment
The Hill: Reports that the Clinton Camp is in Lockdown mode over Bosnia. Don't be surprised to see negative stories about Obama start to show up, typical Clinton method to divert news.
Clinton attacks Obama's Pastor
Pitt Tribune-Review: Reports that Clinton has stated that Obama's Pastor would not have been her pastor in other words Obama did not have the backbone to stand up to him. Also noted she stated that you cant choose your family, Obama bought his grandmother in to the debate, therefore he should have walked out of the Church. This is a subtle use of the race card, Obama's grandmother is white, while Obama's Pastor is African American. In other words Obama threw his white grandmother under the train to protect a fellow African - American. If to the point, family blood should be more important than the colour of your skin. Politics is harsh.
CBS on Clinton
CBS News: Looks at the CBS story on Bosnia and how this does not help the Clinton Camp. Obama was in trouble over his Pastor and then Hillary Clinton undercuts her own foundation on Foreign Policy. On the other hand, it could be argued that the Elite Media when they saw that Obama was in trouble, decided to go after Clinton, the Clintons have a lot of baggage.
Clinton Out ?
New York Times: A realistic look at the chances of Hillary Clinton winning, in other words she has no chance and a call for the race to end. Not much hope with the Clintons.
Backtrack on Bosnia
New York Times: Reports that the Clinton Campaign is in full backtrack mode. The foundation of the Clinton Campaign is her supposed experience in the area of Foreign Policy, think what the Republicans will do with this story. Think and combine the War Record of John McCain and you get the idea.
Bosnia, Clinton and CBS News
CBS News and the Clinton Campaign. A profile in delusion!! The No Shooting War of Hillary Clinton.
Reagan Support for McCain in 08 Reports that Nancy Reagan is to endorse Senator John McCain, this should help the McCain Camp in getting donors to give money.
Gore as POTUS
TCPalm: Interesting article that looks at the idea suggested by Super Delegate that Gore could became the Democratic Nominee. This is idea that VIEWS has suggested is a possible outcome, Former Vice - President, Senator, opposed the War in Iraq. The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. A heady mix for August if no nominee.
Clinton and Bosnia
BBC News: You know when you have a major political problem when it gets over the water, the claims made by Hillary Clinton that she came under sniper fire while on a visit to Bosnia have been shown to be a lie or a particle made up truth depends on your point of view. Never make a statement that can be proven to be a lie by Video Tape or a blue dress.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Clinton Last Throw of the Dice
The Times: Reports that Obama has gone on Holiday ( as someone who is normal would ) the Clintons are of course chasing Super Delegates ( as politicians do ), the problem for the Clintons is its over, Obama has over a hundred more pledge Delegates and leads the popular vote. The non vote in Michigan and Florida was a blow to the Clinton Camp. To the Clintons this is about ego, nothing more, they cant accept that Hillary Clinton might not win, it might be all over.
Obama and Clinton and the Convention
New Republic: A look at the battle Royal between Obama and Clinton, how it could end and how it should end. If your a Democrat, DEPRESSING reading. Must Read of the Day.
NYT and McCain and 08
New York Times: It seems that the LIBERAL New York Times simple cant give up on allowing its narrow ideological colour its reporting. Here we go again, this time John McCain is not a real conservative because he talked to Democrats. The background for these conversations are in doubt but that has not stopped the Times. One charge that McCain thought about running as Independent or a Democrat, reading Reagan's Revolution by Craig Shirley it should be noted that the Reagan camp had a discussion about Reagan running as an Independent, yes Mr Republican. Also that John Kerry in 2004 wanted McCain to run has his VP. Both sides have a different view of this chapter. The Times again has quotes from people who don't want their names mentioned. Poor Paper of Record. The Liberal Left must be very worried about a President McCain.
Iraq Death Toll
BBC News: Reports that the death toll of US Service Personnel has reached four thousand in Iraq. This is a fight the USA and the West can not lose, if we give up on Iraq what would have been the points of all these deaths.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Richardson attacks the Clinton Camp
CNN: Reports that the Governor Bill Richardson has attacked the Clinton Camp for its view that his endorsement of Obama does not matter. The article is more interesting about how Richardson informed the Clintons that he was supporting Obama, they come across has having no grace under fire. All those that have defended the Clintons over the years might think whom they are defending.
Hillary Clinton and the 08 Race
Slate: Looks at the effect of the Richardson Endorsement of Obama and how Hillary Clinton has a tough time in winning in the long term. The article asks a very important question will other Super Delegates now start to support Obama. My view is not yet, still few more votes to go, except better view after the last vote in early June. Read of the Day.
Obama Un - American ?
My Way News: Reports that Bill Clinton has put his big feet in it again, it seems that the Former President in comments has implied that Obama is Un - American, the Clinton Camp have done their usual spin and state that the comments have been taken out of context. THE USUAL CLINTON LINE ABOUT THESE ATTACKING STATEMENTS. The Obama Camp is now equating Bill Clinton with McCarthyism. Political Advice to the Clinton Camp, if your going to attack Obama use someone lower in the Campaign, they you can fire them after the row starts but the comments are out in the public.
Judas ?
New York Times: Reports that the Governor Richardson is paying a personal price for his endorsement of Senator Obama. The Clinton Camp is calling him a Judas, that is very low politics by the Clinton Camp. One has to ask when did Hillary Clinton became Jesus Christ!!. Richardson has done the right thing when it comes to politics, Clinton so far looks like she is finished. The Captain of the Titanic who is in a state of denial.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Obama and Richardson 08?
New York Times: Looks at the in depth effect of Richardson supporting Obama. I was thinking, Obama - Richardson would not be a bad ticket. But my hard political instinct comes to mind, how many firsts can the USA voters take, an African - American on the top of the ticket and and a Hispanic for Vice - President. Richardson has the experience of Foreign Affairs, also executive experience as he is is a Governor. Also he is good on the old box, also has no problem with appearing on Fox News. This just might be a Ticket to kick the USA up the backside, has some appeal.
The Politics of the Richardson Support
CNN: Looks at the impact of the endorsement of Obama by Richardson. Two main factors, the Governor is a Super Delegate and also Hispanic. Hispanic voters is one of the foundations of the Clinton Camp, look at Texas and Nevada. If Obama can take the Hispanic vote, it will be over for Clinton. But lets not lose our heads, the Clintons have been in political and legal trouble before and come out smelling of roses, still a chance, its Bill and Hillary Clinton who are in this Presidential Race.
The Real World
The Politico: Reports on the Democratic Race, how the Clinton Camp in their heart of hearts know its over, but how they and the press need it to go on, for their own self interest. In the Clinton Camp Bill Clinton needs this or it will always be impeachment, while the press love a race. Must Read of the Day.
Obama Endorsed By Richardson
BBC News: Good news for Senator Obama, the Governor of New Mexico has endorsed him for President. Thus he gets another Super Delegate and makes the route harder for Hillary Clinton. Also the endorsement is a smack in the face to the Clintons, Richardson was in the Clinton Cabinet.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Telephone Logs
Fox News: Reports that a Judge has allowed the National Archives to be questioned about its process of releasing the Telephone Records of Hillary Clinton while she was First Lady of the United States. If they are like her schedule files, don't hold your breath for a smoking gun to prove your point of view, they will be clean when released.
Clinton Files Redux
Newsweek: Confirms my opinion not to hold my breath about the Clinton Files. Why bother with the release if its been cleaned up. As they used to say in the day ( the Clinton day ) taking out the rubbish. Lets guess her tax returns wont tell us who is giving money to the Clinton Library and the Business deals of Bill Clinton.
McCain and the General Election 08
Rasmussen Poll: Reports that McCain has gained a lead over both Clinton and Obama. Here are the results:
McCain 51%
Clinton 41
McCain 49%
Obama 42%
McCain 51%
Clinton 41
McCain 49%
Obama 42%
The longer the Democratic Races goes on, the bigger the lead McCain will have over whom ever wins. McCain in London today to see the Prime Minister Gordon Brown, he looks the statesman while the Democrats look like they cant be trusted to run a country.
Making Money
The Times: A article that peeked my interest, the Global Money Markets ups and downs of the the past few weeks and months has been used to create false rumours as to bring down a UK bank. What is curious is that the rumour was believed and the share price of the bank went down, the banking authorities had to state it was rubbish. The simple message to investors, as the Gipper once stated the most fickle thing in economics is a million dollars. Thus with inflation add a few million. The word should be to investors, shares go up and down, even blue chip companies. This is not the Great Depression, yes we live in the Western World with high dept, in many respects the same problem at the end of the 1920s, the difference is this time, governments from the USA to the European Union, will spend what even it takes to preserve the economic structure, we cant afford WW3 to bail us out as happened after 1939. Thus to investors if you hear a rumour check it out, but don't have your systems set to sell if yours shares fall under a certain amount, you could lose money, check watch the financial news. Don't be President Hoover and make a financial mistake based on hot air.
608 Billion
CNN: Reports that the War in Iraq has cost the USA 608 Billion, yes that Billion. Think if the USA had just contained Iraq and used that resource to cut taxes and keep the economy on a more secure foundation. But If as someone once stated is the most powerful term in the English Language. The truth is Iraq had to be dealt with and we are winning, we cant fail or surrender or the terrorist will win in the future or Iran.
The Day After
Yesterday was the anniversary of the start of the War in Iraq. I am not interested in looking back, look back and you lose, the USA and UK have to look forward. The surge in Iraq has worked, even the elite media has had to accept that fact, they don't like it but its the truth. It also the truth, that its a peace most of us would run a mile from if we had to live in such dangerous circumstances, but life is not fair as JFK once said, thus Iraq is the test of Western resolve. A failure in Iraq, would allow the Terrorists to win, that is a prospect that should worry us all, let not Iraq became the Vietnam of 1975.
Monica Lewinsky and that Dress
ABC News: Reports that Hillary Clinton was in the White House when Bill Clinton stained the dress of Monica Lewinsky. Also ABC looks at the meetings held by Hillary Clinton while her husband was using his power to pardon people.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Clinton Files
New York Times: Reports that eight years that Hillary Clinton's schedules will soon be released. I will be very surprised if anything negative is found in the files, could be wrong but wont hold my breath.
Reviews of the Speech and the Elite Media
New York Times: The Liberal Times seems to have liked the speech, but do have to wonder if they had same speech on, " In a 45-minute address, interrupted numerous times by applause..." I would not say that is was applauded that much, the areas it got the applause is the areas that pander to Liberals. The point of Obama was that he was meant to appeal beyond the liberal base of the Times.
The Nation: The Bible for the Liberals, loved the speech, but had one line that was very right, " But Obama did not do the politically "smart" thing. " They are argued he stated the truth, the problem is Senator Obama is running for President of the United States of America, he is not running for most popular LIBERAL. This speech could see Hillary Clinton win the nomination because Super Delegates will be very afraid that the Dems could lose the Presidency and Congress in November.
Obama's Speech
Your chance to Review the Speech, tell me what you think of the Speech and my Review.
Michigan Re - Vote
WWJ - 950, NewsRadio: Reports that the idea of a re-vote in Michigan is off the table. The Convention is going to be fun then, Florida and Michigan will be bagging on the door to be allowed to seat their Delegates.
Obama's Speech - Review
BBC News: I thought Obama would be another Kennedy or Reagan, aspire us to our better angels, but the speech did not cut the mustard as we say in the UK. Obama was seen as a Post Racial Candidate, past the turbulence of the 1960s, to the 21st Century. What I heard would be good in a College seminar but not in a President. Kennedy and Reagan could disavow people when it needed to be done, Obama did not DISAVOW his pastor in the full. Before Obama was the Democratic Candidate for President who happened to be African American. Much like Kennedy happened to be Catholic in 1960. After this speech Obama is the African - American, Democratic Candidate for President. The above is a sublet difference, the Clinton Machine wont have to do much work on this issue, Obama had a chance and he blew it, its that simple. I don't see him being the nominee of the Democrats in November, sad so sad.
Obama's Speech on Race
New York Times: Reports that Senator Obama has decided to make a speech that will cover his relationship with his pastor, his remarks are still a problem, worse they have covered a few news cycles. The Speech will cover the relationship and Obama's view of race in the United States. The Senator has to get this right or it could be curtains for his campaign. If the speech does not work then Senator Clinton can make the argument to Super Delegates that Obama wont win the general election and they need to vote for her to give the Dems a chance, it might work this time.
No Florida Recount
Miami Herald: Reports no re- vote in Florida. Obama should not support any scheme that allows Hillary Clinton to gain more delegates. Throw the problem back to the DNC, they created the problem let them come up with a solution.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Left Wing Bloggers
New York Times: The left is divided, thank God. Left Wing Bloggers are not that bright, so they are split between Clinton and Obama, and what more its personal this time for them, God is a Conservative, lets hope for more arguments and a split party. The Democrats had a chance with Obama but they have sold their souls to the Clinton's, a Kennedy or a Reagan you walk to Hades and back, but Obama was a chance for the left to grow up but it seems that Hillary Clinton is going to steal the election and the Dems wont fight for Obama. Thank god for John McCain, a War Hero and a moderate. The Dems are heading for a fall in November. The Lord will smile and so will Views from the UK 2006.
Obama Offensive
CNN: As stated in previous post, the Obama camp is going on the offensive when it comes to Senator Clinton, they are asking why the Clinton Library has not released information. The Obama Camp has to go after Hillary Clinton on this information. The Campaign has to get those close to the campaign to start asking questions, what is Hillary and Bill hiding, what are in the files that Hillary Clinton does not want in the public. What about the money given to the Clinton Library, by whom and what did they get in return. The Obama Camp has to sow doubts, make the press treat the Clinton's like Richard Nixon.
What I am Reading
Just started on Reagan's Revolution, The untold Story of the campaign that started it all. By Craig Shirley.
The first thing that caught my eye was that in 1976 Reagan had more of the popular vote that Ford, aka 2008, could Clinton win the popular vote but Obama have more delegates. The same result, Ford lost to Carter and Obama could lose to McCain. Nothing is new is history or politics.
The Other States ?
New York Times: Looks at the states that come after Pennsylvania, how the candidates are spreading their resources and how this will effect the election. Must Read of the Day.
Clinton and the Nomination
Newsweek: Reports on the idea that the Clinton Mean Machine will try to steal the pledge delegates of Senator Obama. How gutter politics can you get,!! Sorry this is the Clinton's pure politics is not their bag. But if they win, its winning after all, would destroy the Democratic Party for a generation.
Obama's Gets Ready to take on Clinton
Chicago Tribune: Reports that Obama is getting his ducks in order, dealing with any mine fields in his past, his pastor etc. The reason for this advance is to go after Hillary Clinton, lets be honest the Clinton's have a few skeletons in the cupboard. The next big issue for the Clinton's is their Tax Returns. The money made by Bill and that helped Hillary when she was in financial trouble will be of interest, who gave them the money and what for, will be interesting to hear their answers.
Obama and the 2008 Race for President
The Washington Post: Reports that due to the rules used by the Democratic Party to assign delegates to the candidates, Obama after Iowa and California has 119 delegate lead over Clinton. Will be curious to see how the comments of Obama's Pastor will effect the race.
The Road ahead for the Dems
New York Times: A interesting article that looks at the way ahead for the Democrats. One gets the impression that the Dems are in the same position they had in 1998. If the party had thrown Bill Clinton out then Al Gore would have became President and he would have won the 2000 Election. They didn't have the courage of political will to take such an action and thus here we are with Hillary Clinton in 2008. The Republicans and Conservatives in the UK are more ruthless. This lack of courage by the Dems could lead to a victory by Senator John McCain in November of 2008.
McCain in Iraq
BBC News: Reports that Senator John McCain has gone to Iraq. This will help the Senator in the election, while Obama and Clinton fight it out, McCain will be seen as an International Statesman.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Obama's Pastor - A Review
The Times: Has an in depth look at the comments of Obama's Pastor. Obama has been lucky with the press up to this point, one gets the feeling the press is out to get him, they think Hillary Clinton can win and she would be a better President.
General Election - Ohio
Rasmussen: Interesting poll from Ohio, shows that Senator John McCain leading by six points in a match up against Clinton and Obama. The poll shows the following results:
McCain 46% - Clinton 40%
McCain 46% - Obama 40%
McCain 46% - Clinton 40%
McCain 46% - Obama 40%
If McCain can keep Florida and Ohio it wont go well for the Democrats on Election night 2008.
Obama's Pastor and the N word
The Pastor uses a racial term that is racist. Reader WARNING about the content of this clip. This is why Senator Obama has been on the networks to reject his pastor opinions.
Obama and his Pastor
RCP: When your in a earthquake better find some solid ground, thus Senator Obama has stated the following on his relationship with his pastor, " Let me say at the outset that I vehemently disagree and strongly condemn the statements that have been the subject of this controversy....In sum, I reject outright the statements by Rev. Wright that are at issue..... ( Wright ) has never been my political advisor; he's been my pastor. " This should get Obama Campaign through the weekend, depends if any more Wright TV Clips come to light. If they do and Obama is seen to have been in attendance he is in trouble, he could lose the nomination. Either way it works for the Clinton Camp, Obama in the future will be seen as just another politician.
Elite Meida and the Pastor
The Politico: A very good article that looks at how the Media has treated the relationship between Obama and his pastor. Bit of worry it takes a talk show host through jokes to get the media to pay attention. So thank god for the late night talk show hosts and Bill O’Reilly of Fox News. Mr O, was right about this issue he stated that the media would now have to deal with the story, that's why Fox News is the best in the business.
NYT and the Pastor
New York Times: A odd article by the NYT, one gets the impression that the paper supports Obama's Pastor in his views, e,g America is racist, 9/11 was the fault of the USA. The article seems to go out of its way to justify his opinions, the article states the following on the pastor " ...beloved figure in African-American Christian circles and a frequent guest in pulpits around the country....he has built a 6,000-member congregation through his blunt, charismatic preaching, which melds detailed scriptural analysis, black power, Afrocentrism and an emphasis on social justice;......which interprets the Bible as a guide to combating oppression of African-Americans. " The Liberal New York Times is torn, on the one hand its carries by its own need white guilt, no asked it to be our soul. On the other hand it states that Obama has rejected his pastors views and then the Times has the gaul to quote the Pastor in attacking the Clintons. Poor Elite Media!!
New York Times: A very interesting article by the Times, donors to the Democratic Party want delegates from Florida at the National Convention or else they wont give the DNC any money. Money is the mothers milk of politics. Who thought putting Howard Dean in charge of the DNC was a good idea needs to quit politics.
Obama's Pastor
The Obama Campaign has been sidelined due to the stupid comments of the Pastor of Senator Obama, the comments that are being shown on the TV and net do not help the campaign. The theme of the comments is Anti American and it can be argued a negative view of whites. The Obama Camp has tried not to make race a issue in this election, more than can be said about the Clinton Camp. Lets hope this is a weekend story only. LBJ had a good view, if you have a one eyed relative and that is in the centre don't keep him or her in the parlour.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Florida Re - Vote
Fox News: Reports on a old/new idea, the US Senator Bill Nelson wants to follow the Republican example, Florida would lose half its delegates, this would still benefit Clinton but not as much as before, if Obama would let this idea die its death. The point from the Obama view is that Obama did not campaign in Florida, he has the right to campaign in Florida. Advice to Obama Camp, just fight it out at the Convention. All these new or old ideas are bad and unfair to the Obama Camp.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Racial Comments ?
ABC News: Geraldine Ferarro has resigned from the Clinton Campaign for making racial insensitive comments. It must be stress there is a difference between making an comment that is insensitive and being a racist. Ferarro the 1984 Vice - Presidential nominee for the Democrats stated that Obama was leading the race because he was black, aka Bill Clinton comment that Jesse Jackson had won some primaries before Obama. Ferarro is a liberal, the Mondale - Ferarro ticket lost by 49 states to one. If she was a Republican and had made that comment she would have to move country. The point being that she allowed her support of Senator Clinton and the chance of the First Woman President to colour her comments. She has resigned, time to move on to the issues facing the USA.
Florida Redux!!
Tampa Tribune: Looks at the background for the re - vote. Heard on the Networks that there is a clause that allows for a thirty day cooling off period before any plan is accepted. If true Obama can play this out and run out the clock.
RCP - Delegate Count - Dems
RCP: Reports that Obama has a lead of one hundred and twenty seven delegates over Clinton. This includes Super Delegates. The tally stands at the following, 1614 for Obama, 1487 for Clinton. Obama has to keep the Delegate count higher that Clinton but also the popular vote. At the end of the day, it all about the Super Delegates.
McCain + Reagan = Reagan Democrats
LA Times: Looks at the prospects for Senator John McCain to gain support from Reagan Democrats. Although the Democrats have Obama and Clinton, they bring in new voters, they also have the reverse effect of not having the message to connect with older established Democrats. These voters from a Union background are attracted by the War Record of John McCain and his moderation. Must Read of the Day.
Florida Again!!
The Politico: Reports that the Florida re - vote is heading in to problems, Obama and the Democrats from Florida in the House of Representatives have a problem with the process. Advice to Obama, just play out the game, don't give an inch, if it has to be a 48 state National Convention so let it be, note to Obama, its winning that counts, play nice with Florida and Michigan after winning.
Texas Two Step Part Two
CNN News: After the Primary and Caucus held in Texas and the millions spent, we have a draw in Texas. CNN reports that Obama at the end of the day will get more delegates out of the race but not much if you factor in Super Delegates. Get this the fiasco that was the Texas two step has left a 3 delegate margin difference between Obama and Clinton. Obama on 109 and Clinton on 106. Texas should stick to Oil, JR Ewing would not be amused, Cliff Barnes would have run the operation better, even JR would agree with that argument.!!
Obama win in Mississippi
ABC News: Reports that Obama has swept Mississippi, in the final result Obama had a twenty four percent margin over Senator Clinton. This is a good win, the final result was as follows, Obama 61 %, Clinton 37 %. The Delegate count could be complicated, they could even have a even split of delegates. Only the Democrats could devise such a shambolic system.
SEX Governor OUT
BBC News: The Governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer has resigned after being caught using call girls, the background noise from the case is that he has used call girls for over a decade, while he was using them he was sending others to jail for the same crime. Hubris to think he could get away with this, but then again the USA might have Bill Clinton thank for this mess, he got away with it in 1998 after breaking the law.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Obama on the attack over Clinton Foreign Policy
RCP: The Obama camp has sent out a memo that in its essence states that Senator Clinton is not fit to be elected dog catcher never mind President of the United States of America. The future POTUS in their view has fiddled her CV. But she does have Bill Clinton.
I am Legend - Review
Last night VIEWS took time off from the American Elections and the sex scandal to go and watch I am Legend with the excellent Will Smith. Well what can I say, a good film, but am old enough to recall the Omega Man, from the 1970s, thus still prefer that version.
Texas Two Step!!
CNN: Not a sex scandal but a vote scandal, the Democratic Caucuses is still on going, my god, this looks worse that Florida in 2000. Sue Ellen ( Dallas ) when drunk could do a better job of running this election, get a move on Texas.
Soldiers Killed in Iraq
New York Times: Reports that eight Soldiers have been killed in Iraq. Although violence has gone down, the military can not let their guard down, the West cant afford to lose Iraq because we think its over, it wont be over for a very long time, there will be more deaths that is a fact of the Iraq War.
Obama and Mississippi
Well back to the point of this blog, not political sex scandals but its news, this is not USSR after all, thus report and back to the 08 Election. In Mississippi Obama is ahead, a large African American Community. Thus in truth its not if he is going to win but by how much and how much delegates can he take, in the end its down to delegates. Obama needs to keep the delegate and popular vote over Hillary Clinton. On the other hand the Clinton Campaign wants to get Florida and Michigan back in the game, cut down the popular vote or even over take Obama, thus an argument at the National Convention, she has the popular vote and has won the big states.
Sex Scandal and The Nation
The Nation: Looks at how the SEX scandal will effect the Campaign of Hillary Clinton. The Governor was a supporter of Hillary Clinton, reporters will want her view and of course this brings back 1998. The bad old days that the Clinton Campaign don't want to re do all over again.
SEX and the Governor Part Two
The Smoking Gun: Get all the legal stuff on the scandal. Its to the point.
NYT and the Governor
New York Observer: Looks at how the New York Times broke the sex scandal in New York. Have to take hat off to the NYT, good old fashioned journalism to be proud off, not that McCain rubbish of a few weeks ago, goo on you NYT.
SEX and the Politicain
The oldest profession and the oldest political scandal has taken another scalp. The Governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer has been caught having a relationship with a Call Girl. He is on the way out.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
McCain off to N.H
CNN: Reports that Senator John McCain is off to New Hampshire next week, this will keep him in the news, also it will contrast that the Republicans have a nominee while the Democrats are still fighting each other. It needs to be a sharp contrast, show the McCain is best candidate to be President.
No VP Spot
Fox News: Senator Obama has made it plain he has not interest in being the VP to Hillary Clinton. A very wise move, win or lose is a better option for his long term political career.
Uber Super Delegates
Washington Post: Has a look at Super Delegates, a common threat one reads in the article is the view that it does not matter who is ahead in delegates, the Super Delegates think they are Solomon and thus can override the popular will. Just lets say Democrats are Hypocrites, what about the shouts in 2000 that the the candidate with most votes should be President. Must Read of the Day.
Dems v Dems
The Guardian: Looks at a dream come true for Conservatives, Democrats v Democrats. Long run this race, let them get down and dirty, while McCain because more Presidential.
McCain and the Future
Washington Post: Reports on how Senator McCain will use this time that the Democrats are having an Alley fight, the WP states the following, " weeks of heavy fundraising, a trip abroad, policy speeches and a biography tour aimed at broadening his appeal beyond traditional Republican voters. " The Senator can meet PM Brown in the UK, visit France and President Sarkozy, go to Iraq and show the improvment, make the press follow him, if they dont shout typical Liberal Media, the Conservatives will love that argument, if McCain plays this right he can be the wave that sweeps in Novemeber.
Good Advice from Ms Dowd
New York Times: Good advice from Ms Dowd to the Obama Camp, develop a back bone and go after Hillary Clinton as if your in an Alley fight, because the Clinton Camp want to win and dont care who they have to destroy to reach that goal. But a more important advice at the end of the page, " If he thinks Hillary has cut him down to size lately, he’d better imagine what his life would be like as the Clintons’ vice president. " The Aides to Obama should make him watch the West Wing and how the Vice - President was treated, badly would be an understatement. Think the West Wing but worse, at the end of every meeting you would have Bill Clinton in the room. At least JFK kept Bobby down stairs, it seem he was never asked up stairs, Bill would be there day and night!!
RCP - Delegate Count for Dems
RCP: Reports that Obama is ahead of Clinton by 123 Delegates, this includes the uber Super Delegates. Here is the scorecard for the Dems: Obama 1588, Clinton 1465. As noted prev post, Obama has to keep this lead but also the popular vote, and make sure if re - vote in Florida and Michigan that he can keep his vote from before or even better increase his vote in these two states.
Final Wyoming Result
BBC News: Reports that in the final result from Wyoming Obama defeated Clinton. In vote terms, Obama 61%, Clinton 38%. The Democratic Race has a very long way to go before its end. Obama on the whole will always have more pledge delegates but the Clintons are moving the game with the Super Delegates, the want to get more of the popular vote than Obama, thus Obama needs to get pledge delegates but also make sure he is ahead of Clinton in the popular vote.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Obama for VP?
Fox News: One gets the feeling, that the Clinton Campaign knowing it cant win on pledge delegates and needs Super Delegates is pushing the idea, if Clinton can steal the election she will place Obama on the ticket. Advice to the Senator, don't take it if offered, will make LBJ under Kennedy look like happy hour, there will be Hillary and Bill Clinton, the Vice - President will be sent abroad a lot and I mean a lot. Look what happened to Al Gore, he should have won but the damage of years close to the Clinton's was to much for the folks. What about the other way around, Obama - Clinton ticket, would drive Bill up the wall!!
The Road Ahead for Clinton
US News & WR: Looks at the road ahead for Clinton, the micro results from Texas and Ohio, how this might effect the long race. What McCain needs to do to make sure he wins. Must Read of the Day.
Waterboarding and the New York Times
New York Times: The Liberal Paper has a go at the President for his use of a veto to prevent Congress passing a bill that would prevent waterboarding. The Liberal Paper states the following, " Many such techniques are prohibited by the military and law enforcement agencies. " One gets the impression if the NYT had caught UBL before 9/11 it would have given him a tea and just asked for his name and rank. The point of the Presidency is to protect the country, the point of the NYT is not that clear at present.
Results from Wyoming
Fox News: Reports that Obama is ahead in Wyoming, here are the early results, with 30% of the vote in, Obama 58%, Clinton 40%. If Obama can win by this margin and on Tuesday, the gains made by Clinton in Texas and Ohio will be wiped away. It is still early folks.
Nixon and Kissinger, Partners in Power – Robert Dallek
I can highly recommend this book, one of the best reads in a long time. Alpha Read.
The Right Veto
New York Times: Reports that the White House will Veto a bill that would have put limits on the actions of the CIA when it comes to the interrogation of Terrorist suspects. The aim was to prevent Waterboarding, an essential tool in the War on Terror. The President is right in his veto.
The Outcome?
Newsweek: Reports on the prospects of the Democrats getting a very messy National Convention. The first real active conventions since the 1950s. As the article points out Clinton is in the same position that Reagan was in 1976, the article states the following, “ Governor Reagan stayed in the fight all the way to the convention. He had a hundred delegates fewer than Ford, roughly the same deficit Clinton has today. Reagan helped insure his party's defeat but nailed the nomination four years later. ” But there is a difference, the Clinton's don’t want to damage the Post Presidential reputation of Bill Clinton, also Reagan could run again in 1980, Clinton in today's 24/7 news cycle would be old news. Many thought that after the 1976 speech by Reagan that the Republicans had chosen the wrong nominee. Thus Clinton just might get her chance, the cost would be great for the Democratic Party. In less Obama was the VP one can see African Americans not voting or voting for McCain. The Democratic Party has a heavy choice to make at its convention.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Obama Aide off MESSAGE
RCP Blog: Another Top Obama Aide goes off message. Its the big time now, Obama needs a new Campaign Manager and quick.
Monster ?
The Scotsman: Has an exclusive, it has a Top Obama aid calling Senator Hillary Clinton a " Monster ", that's the problem when Hope has to deal with reality of politics. The Obama camp it seems believed their own press, not a good idea. Senator Clinton what ever her faults is a very good politician, she wants to win, that does not make a her a monster, the Gipper was a gentleman but he was ruthless when he wanted to be, that is why he was a great President. Never thought I would compare Clinton to Reagan. The Obama Camp have to stick to issues, like her claim of experience, being First Lady is one thing, but she is no Nancy Reagan, Nancy was a very smart political operator in the Reagan Administration. The Obama camp have to go hard on the tax issue, what about the business deals of Bill Clinton, all that money that Hillary Clinton gave to her to campaign. The Records held by the Clinton Presidential Library, when are they going to be released. Keep on message Obama Campaign.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
What a Mess!!
Chicago Sun-Times: Robert Novak reports on the Democratic mess, from the come back of Hillary Clinton in Texas and Ohio and the long road to the Convention. From a Political geek view, a real political convention would be great, just like the West Wing season six.
Ken Starr
The Politico: Its getting tough on the Campaign trail, the more negative campaign of Obama has hit home, when the Clintons are in trouble they play the Republican Card, but this time its against a Democrat. The Politico reports that the Clinton Campaign is using the ghost of Ken Starr but this time Starr is a African - American and his name his Obama. Expect tench ware fare people. This is why politics is fun!!
The Democratic Race Past Tuesday
WSJ: Reports on the tougher race that is develping in the Democratic Race, the 3am call ad has had its effect, Obama Camp is getting its act together to go after the weak points in the Clinton record. It notes a fundamental point from the elections on Tuesday, " The fact that Tuesday's four-state, 370-delegate sweepstakes effectively yielded a draw underscored how difficult it will be for Sen. Clinton to catch Sen. Obama with just over 600 more pledged delegates to be won. " Texas is more complicated than first look, although Clinton won the popular vote, Obama with forty percent of the caucuses reporting is ahead by 56% to 44%. At the end of the day, Obama will come out with more delegates than Clinton. It could come down to Florida or Michigan if they have a re - vote. If no new vote then the Super Delegates and the back room deals. If the Clintons steal the election the 1968 Convention will look like happy hour.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Elite Media – Update
New York Times: The bastion of Liberal Establishment is not happy; one can almost hear it getting its knickers in a twist that Clinton is still in the race. The Paper of record states the following on the Campaign, “ The party wants a standard-bearer now to wage the war against the newly minted leader of the Republicans, Senator John McCain, who enjoys a head start with every day that the Democrats lack a nominee of their own. ” In other words, we have seven weeks for brushing campaign and at the end we could still have Obama ahead of Clinton and it will come down to the Super Delegates. Are the Super Delegates going to annoy one of the foundations of the Democratic Party the African – American Community? Think if the Convention goes for Clinton when she is behind in Pledge Delegates what will the African – American Community think of the process. An Election stolen, will they then come out to vote for the Democrats?
Prize for Best Political Advert of 2008
This prize must go to the 3am add by the Clinton Campaign. They say the best ideas are old ideas; this advert was inspired by an Ad done by Walter Mondale in 1984 to finish off the Campaign of Gary Hart. It goes for the throat and is very effective, politics is about winning and stopping your opponent, and it can be argued that this advert had that effect and thus a prize for a great advert.
Elite Media and the Vote
CBS News: Very good analyses of the night, Clinton back, Obama still ahead in Delegates, McCain the Republican Nominee has the time to plan. This unexpected race has a long way to go, more fun to be had in the Democratic Race. Must Read of the Day.
John McCain – Republican Nominee for President
Senator John McCain has won the Republican Nomination for President. He won all the states in play last night; Governor Huckabee withdrew when he saw McCain has the delegates. President George W. Bush today at the White House will endorse the Senator. This is a chance for McCain to stress his polices while the Democrats debate between themselves and through negative adds at each other. McCain needs to stress his Conservative Polices and his National Security experience in the Senate and the field. He needs the American people to think it would be better for them for him to be in the White House to answer that 3am Call.
The Results - Dems
The Clinton Campaign has survived to fight another day, Clinton won the big States, the Texas Primary by a narrow margin, the Caucus is still going on, she had a very good win in Ohio and Rhode Island. Lets break it down, close win in the popular vote in Texas, Clinton 51%, Obama 47%, Ohio, a much bigger win for Clinton, Clinton 55%, Obama 43%. In the smaller states, Vermont and Rhode Island, we have a split choice, in Vermont a big win for Obama, Obama 60%, and Clinton 38%. In Rhode Island, a big win for Clinton, Clinton 58%, and Obama 40%.
The Obama Campaign is going with the fact that in delegates they are still ahead but that is not the point, they had more money and they had more political adverts on and they did not close the deal with the voters, the Campaign could go to the convention. One line for the night, Clinton is back.
The Obama Campaign is going with the fact that in delegates they are still ahead but that is not the point, they had more money and they had more political adverts on and they did not close the deal with the voters, the Campaign could go to the convention. One line for the night, Clinton is back.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Prediction Time
I am loathed to make a prediction in the case of Ohio and Texas but here goes, on Ohio I see a Clinton win. On the margin of victory my gut is telling me it will okay single digits but healthy. In Texas we have the Texas Two Step, a Primary and Caucus. This one is hard, the 3am National Security Ad worked, the Obama Mania seems to have halted or frozen. Thus here goes, still think Obama will win Texas in the Primary and Caucus. Narrow win in the Primary but a healthy does of the Delegates.
Thus over all, Hillary Clinton will stay in the race, a couple of weeks to go or even months.
Thus over all, Hillary Clinton will stay in the race, a couple of weeks to go or even months.
The Long March and NOT CHINA!!
New York Times: Reports that Hillary Clinton has stated this election will go on and on, the Long March has nothing on this, the Clintons are not read to give up power just yet. Weeks even months of this Campaign, this is the time for John McCain to get his General Election Campaign on firm foundations. Depending on who wins the Democratic Race and when this is precious time for the McCain Camp. If they play it smart, they should be able after the conventions to take a commanding lead in the polls. If its Obama look at what worked in the Clinton Campaign and what didn’t work, on the other hand if its Clinton look at the early success of Obama and use that against Clinton. Politics is fun!!
The Truth about NAFTA and Obama
New York Times: Reports on the truth that Obama says one thing in Ohio whiles his senior Aides say something else to other governments. Does recall Nixon in 1968.
Obama not Reagan!
RCP: This article argues that Obama is not a Reagan; Reagan was a proud Conservative while Obama avoids ideological Labels. The articles states the following on what Obama should do, “ Revive the liberal label and carry it into the White House. That's what Reagan did with conservatism and that's how he changed the trajectory of American politics. ” Obama is to smart to carry the Liberal tag, Reagan made the tag of being called a liberal a dirty word in American Politics. If Obama does became the Democratic Nominee he will have to move to the centre or even the right, Obama can still became another Reagan but does he have the courage to challenge his own side, his chats with Canada show that he lacks courage to deal with his own side in a honest way. Reagan was Reagan, he politician but honest and with courage of his convictions. Must Read of the Day.
Ohio and Texas Polls
Zogby: One last poll before the election. It shows that Clinton has stopped the Obama surge in Texas, that National Security Ad was worth the money they spent, in Ohio Obama has caught up with Clinton. Here are the results:
Clinton 47 %
Obama 44 %
Clinton 44 %
Obama 44 %
It should be recall what happened in New Hampshire. Hope N.H still holds its head in shame!!
Clinton 47 %
Obama 44 %
Clinton 44 %
Obama 44 %
It should be recall what happened in New Hampshire. Hope N.H still holds its head in shame!!
Obama Spin Machine
The Politico: The Obama Mania of the past few days seems to have been halted, the Clinton National Security Ad that is posted on this blog seems to have done the trick, more critical review of Obama. Also the SNL sketch of how the media has gushed over Obama also has worked, the press are all over Obama, the flab over his alleged promise not to change a trade agreement with Canada while saying something different in Ohio. Also his friendship with a slum landlord, in the words of Clinton, has come back to haunt him. The race is not over till the lady sings. The Politico has a memo from the Obama camp that goes to stress the delegate count, it would if they lose Texas and Ohio. This race could go to the Convention.
Iran Sanctions
BBC News: Reports more sanctions in Iran due to its nuclear ambitions, the sanctions are not great as they had to be water down to get pass those holding a veto on the UN Security Council. Israel before January 20th 2009 should take military action to prevent Iran becoming a nuclear power within a few years.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
The Ford Factor
CNN: Reports that Hillary Clinton has appeared on Saturday Night Live, President Ford who was sent up rotten up in the middle 70s hated the how he shown, falling down a lot, in reality he did seem to fall down the steps of Air Force One a lot!! He appeared on SNL in the introduction. I guess Hillary is after the younger voter that goes to Obama, its not going to happen!! The internal polls must be bad to take time off to do a comedy show.
Cleveland Plain Dealer - New Ohio Poll
Clinton still ahead by four points in Ohio, Clinton 47%, Obama 43%. But the general view is that its not enough, Clinton needs a big win in Ohio and Texas and it’s not going to happen on Tuesday.
Florida Again!!
The Politico: Reports its go hold of the Clinton strategy on how to win Texas; think dirty tricks and you get the idea. After reading it very effective advice, one point, Obama is good at getting his supporters to a Caucus, thus Hillary Clinton needs a good ground game to put this dirty trick strategy in to action on Tuesday.
The Elite Media and the Clintons
L A Times: It starts, the LA Times argues that the Clinton Machine cant cut it on Tuesday, a big win is out of the window, as the polls in both Texas and Ohio are very close. The PR system of the race helps the Obama Camp. The LA Times states the following, “ Clinton must win Texas and Ohio to have any serious hope of sustaining her bid to become the nation's first female president. A split decision would not suffice, analysts said, and winning narrowly may not help. ” Thus one can guess the headlines following Tuesday, should Clinton lose Texas and win Ohio by a very narrow margin. One gets the feeling the Elite Media wants this race over and Hillary Clinton to go back to the Senate and take Bill with her. I will guarantee that after this is all over, political and Historical writes will debate did Bill Clinton really want Hillary Clinton to win, why was he so off message early on, in his hearts of hearts could the alpha male not take the idea of his wife as President. The great Politician of generation was not great in fact he was much worse than any Obama attack on the the Clinton Machine.
The West Wing and Reality
The Times: At end of Season Seven of the West Wing, the Young President, appointed a Republican as his Secretary of State, in the real world if Obama wins the election the Times of London reports that he wants to appoint Republicans to the Defence Department and Secretary of State. This is a canny move, get the story out, appeal to voters who are tired of the rows and want results. One has to ask are the advisers to Obama fans of the West Wing?
Money the Mothers Milk of Politics
New York Times: A very interesting article that in essence states that Obama is going all out to buy the election, to finish this race off on Tuesday. Must Read of the Day.
McGovern’s Last Stand 2008
New York Times:Hillary Clinton is going back to her yesterdays, getting support from those that worked with her on the McGovern Campaign of 1972. Question, good to network but does it get younger voters, does she need to get beyond her base of support.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Election Disaster?
New York Times: A call for the Democratic Party to gets its act together after the vote on Tuesday otherwise its Happy Times again for the Republicans. I want a long hard fight, blood on the carpet, internal fights between the Democrats. I want the Convention to be like 1968 but worse. I want the Clinton Mean Machine to steal the election. Thank the Lord for Democracy.
High Noon for Clinton
Newsweek: One of the foundations of the Elite Media is bailing on Hillary Clinton. The picture it draws of a campaign in its death throes leaves no chance of her coming back. The article even compares the Clinton Mean Machine to the early stage of the War in Iraq, the bad part, the article states the following, “ It's unclear how many ground troops would be needed to save Hillary's campaign now. ” If Hillary Clinton was to lose Texas and just win narrowly in Ohio expect the Elite Media to call for her to step aside, you can almost see the Headlines “ Time to Leave ” or “ What’s more important to Hillary, the Party on her ambition ” This is a tough time in the Hillary Camp.
Obama following the Reagan Path to Power?
Financial Times: A very interesting article that looks at how Obama and Clinton view the voters, and how they view that within the context of the General Election. Obama gets some good praise, another Reagan, Clinton gets the negative. Must Read of the Day.
Death in Iraq
BBC News: Reports that an Air Man from the RAF has been killed in Iraq. This is the first Death this year. The Total now stands at 175. Iraq is slowly improving, of course there will be these tragic deaths, but the deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan are in the cause of allowing Democracy to flourish.
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