Saturday, March 29, 2008

Judas Remix

Washington Post: Mr James Carville ( Clinton Cadre 1 )goes to defend his remark that the New Mexico Governor Richardson is a Judas for his support of Senator Obama, and also adds that he is a Traitor to boot, it seems that he agrees as he writes in the WP with " .....Matthew Dowd is right: Had it been the Fourth of July, I probably would have called him Benedict Arnold ". It seems just because Bill Clinton placed him in high office, he owes life loyalty to the Clinton's, that is a Jesus complex!! But one piece of news in the article was this comment, " I know that a former president of the United States who appointed someone to two Senate-confirmed positions is entitled to have his phone calls returned. " Did Governor Richardson not have the courtesy to speak to the Former President, don't see the Gipper having to put up with that or being happy, but then Clinton is not Reagan, Reagan's Vice - President won the election and Obama considers Reagan a transforming President compared to Nixon and Clinton.

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