Thursday, March 20, 2008

Making Money

The Times: A article that peeked my interest, the Global Money Markets ups and downs of the the past few weeks and months has been used to create false rumours as to bring down a UK bank. What is curious is that the rumour was believed and the share price of the bank went down, the banking authorities had to state it was rubbish. The simple message to investors, as the Gipper once stated the most fickle thing in economics is a million dollars. Thus with inflation add a few million. The word should be to investors, shares go up and down, even blue chip companies. This is not the Great Depression, yes we live in the Western World with high dept, in many respects the same problem at the end of the 1920s, the difference is this time, governments from the USA to the European Union, will spend what even it takes to preserve the economic structure, we cant afford WW3 to bail us out as happened after 1939. Thus to investors if you hear a rumour check it out, but don't have your systems set to sell if yours shares fall under a certain amount, you could lose money, check watch the financial news. Don't be President Hoover and make a financial mistake based on hot air.

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