Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Reviews of the Speech and the Elite Media

New York Times: The Liberal Times seems to have liked the speech, but do have to wonder if they had same speech on, " In a 45-minute address, interrupted numerous times by applause..." I would not say that is was applauded that much, the areas it got the applause is the areas that pander to Liberals. The point of Obama was that he was meant to appeal beyond the liberal base of the Times.

The Nation
: The Bible for the Liberals, loved the speech, but had one line that was very right, " But Obama did not do the politically "smart" thing. " They are argued he stated the truth, the problem is Senator Obama is running for President of the United States of America, he is not running for most popular LIBERAL. This speech could see Hillary Clinton win the nomination because Super Delegates will be very afraid that the Dems could lose the Presidency and Congress in November.

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