ABC News out to destroy the political dreams of Hillary Clinton?
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
McCain another Nixon ?
The Hidden Hillary
Gallup Poll - Tracking Poll
Elite Media and the Republican Debate - Review
New York Times: As with the Post, the NYT looks at the internal debate between McCain and Romney as to who is the best Conservative. The NYT is a Liberal paper and has a problem with the concept of a Conservative candidate.
Drudge Exclusive - Reagan for McCain
Clinton and Obama Election Race 2008
Reagan Library Debate
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The Hillary Clinton Snub
Kennedy and Reagan
Edwards out of Race
Florida Results and Review
McCain 36%
Romney 31%
Giuliani 15%
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Liberals and the Clinton Machine
Florida Voting - Update
Kennedy and Obama
Bill Clinton and Washington Post
NYT and Bush
New York Times: Sometimes I wish the Liberal New York Times would just surprise me, just the once, but no its Editorial on the State of the Union was typical of a paper that gone off the cliff and wants to take its reputation from the past with it, here what the paper stated about the speech, " Mr. Bush still has a year left — and many serious problems to address. It is time, finally, for him to put aside the partisanship, the bluster and the empty rhetoric. The state of the union is troubled. The nation yearns for leadership. " This from a paper that has published State Secrets on the front page, has released how the USA has tracked terrorists in the international system, if the country needs leadership the NYT needs to respect the USA.
Edwaards as King Maker ?
State of the Union 2008 - Review

Courtesy of the White House
A very good speech by the President, the main areas of interest from over the water was his views on the economy and Iraq. These aspects of the speech should help both Romney and McCain in Florida. The President stated the following on the economy, " As we meet tonight, our economy is undergoing a period of uncertainty. " Thus the President stated the need to pass the economic packaged agreed by the White House and the Speaker. This plays in to positives of Romney, a very successful businessman. On Iraq the President stated the following, " In Iraq, the terrorists and extremists are fighting to deny a proud people their liberty, and fighting to establish safe havens for attacks across the world. One year ago, our enemies were succeeding in their efforts to plunge Iraq into chaos. So we reviewed our strategy and changed course. We launched a surge of American forces into Iraq. We gave our troops a new mission: Work with the Iraqi forces to protect the Iraqi people, pursue the enemy in its strongholds, and deny the terrorists sanctuary anywhere in the country. .....Ladies and gentlemen, some may deny the surge is working, but among the terrorists there is no doubt. Al Qaeda is on the run in Iraq, and this enemy will be defeated. " Thus this helps McCain who argued for the surge and has a background in National Security.
This was a good speech, but the Bush Legacy will be defined by Iraq, and that Chapter is not finished yet, it will be up to the next President to place the final full stop.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Florida Polls - Update
When looking at the Florida vote tomorrow in a objective manner, as stated in previous post I have had Romney winning the state, his money and his stress on the economy very effective given the downword trend of the American Economy. The RCP average of Polls is the following, McCain 29.3%, Romney 28.5%, Giuliani 15.9%, when looking at individual polls we see a tie to a McCain lead of just 3%. McCain gained the recent support of the popular Governor of Florida, the debate has been turned to National Security. Thus who will win Florida, thus still putting my money on Romney but by a narrow margin, again down to money and Conservative support, Conservatives have a problem with McCain, Bush Tax Cuts which he opposed and his plan for amnesty for illegal Immigrants in the USA. Thus still Romney, lets hope I am wrong.
The Nation on Kennedy and Obama
Last State of the Union
Florida Voting
Kennedy and Obama
Kinder Bill Clinton
New York Times: Reports that the Clinton Campaign has learned its lesson and Bill Clinton will became a typical spouse of a Presidential Candidate, the article states the following on the Clinton Campaign, " They said his role would be akin to his effort before the Iowa caucuses, when he highlighted Mrs. Clinton’s record and her policy ideas, and was used in part to build huge crowds on college campuses rather than attack Mr. Obama. " I wont hold by breath, Clinton lacks self control, in just needs Hillary Clinton to be in trouble in the polls for Clinton to start on race again or find something else negative to say about Obama. The Elite Media needs to keep a close eye on the Clinton Campaign.
Deaths in Iraq
BBC News: Five US Soldiers have been killed in Mosul in Iraq. According to the US Army, Mosul is the last major city to have a terrorist element still active in Iraq. These deaths show that the USA is still in a war. The McCain Campaign should stress National Security in the Florida vote.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
NYT and Bill Cllnton Redux
New York Times: Looks at the role of Bill Clinton in the Clinton Machine. I think the article is a subtle dig at Clinton, what the point of any Democrat with any self respect becoming her Vice - President or Secretary of State, if you have Bill Clinton about, think JFK and RFK between 1961 1963, drove LBJ up the wall, he stated at the end of the day it was about the Kennedys, well this time its about Clintons.
NYT on Kennedy and Obama
Another Kennedy for Obama
ABC News: Reports that Senator Teddy Kennedy is supporting Obama. That is a slap in the face to the Clinton Machine, recall in 1993 when the young Bill Clinton on becoming President went to the grave of JFK and RFK. The Holiday time the Clinton Family spent with Jackie O. It seems Kennedy wants some influence with Obama, if it was Clinton it would be all about Bill.
Ashdown and Afghanistan
Elite Media on Bill Clinton and Race
Bush and History
What Next for Obama ?
Bill Clinton and Race
ABC News: It did not take long for Bill Clinton to use the race card when Obama won South Carolina. The former President mentioned Jesse Jackson also won when he ran, in a not very subtle way Clinton is using the race card, Obama yes is an African - American but he is running as a Democratic Candidate who happens to be black not the other way around. Clinton is using the old Republican text book in the view of Liberals, that is using terms that will get white support while not being racist. Thus Obama is another Jesse Jackson, the one character that will make white voters vote for Hillary while holding their noses, shame on you Mr President.
Kennedy support for Obama
Frank Rich and the Clinton Machine
New York Times: Its fun when Liberals see the Clinton Machine for what it is, one aim to get power for Bill and Hillary Clinton. Frank Rich attacks both Bill and Hillary Clinton. By the end of article the Charge of the Light Brigade makes better strategy than Hillary Clinton as the 2008 Democratic Nominee.
Obama Victory
Saturday, January 26, 2008
The Democratic Race
Florida Polls - Update
Its election day on tuesday in Florida, as stated my prediction that Romney should win by a healthy margin, but lets have a look at the latest polls from Florida, the RCP average of Polls has the following result, McCain 26.1%, Romney 25.6%, Giuliani 17.7% , looking at the individual polls the race is quite close between McCain and Romney, the margin between them is from a tie to 3% lead for McCain. Thus my prediction is running counter to individual polls and the average of polls from RCP. One simple reason for this, MONEY, unlike the early states, Florida is about getting your political adds on the TV, big state, people get their views from the TV. Thus still sticking with Romney.
Bill Clinton v Elite Media
Edwards for A.G ?
Robert Novak: Reports that Obama is thinking of placing John Edwards as Attorney General if elected President. This is a very bad idea, its like putting Bill Clinton in charge of a bordello. Edwards would pander so much to left it could cost Obama his re -election.
Romney Money
Time: Looks at the Romney spending during the election, he outs spent the rest of the filed, the article states the following on Romney and Florida, " But Florida is the first state money really can buy. " As predicted I think Florida will go for Romney, Romney has the money to spend and he is spending it like its confetti, Romney then can challenge on Super Tuesday, its down to the delegate count in the end.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Kerry v Bill Clinton
Clinton and the Slum landlord - Update
Drudge Exclusive - Clinton and the Slum landlord
The Clinton Machine
South Carolina Prediction 08
I am making a prediction for South Carolina, Obama will win the state, he should get between 9 % and 11 % margin over Hillary Clinton. Lets be honest the African - American community is going to vote for the first African - American with a real chance of winning the White House. That is just truth. The RCP average of Polls for S.C has Obama ahead by 12.2% over Hillary Clinton. On the other hand, the Clinton's, both Bill and Hillary have bought Obama down to earth, this is my prediction for the Democratic Nomination, early yes just gut feeling, Clinton will be the Democratic Nominee.
Romney Factor Party Two
An interesting article in this mornings WSJ, Romney is worth two hundred and fifty million, that's a lot political adds that he can pay for, he can challenge in all states on Super Tuesday, he has the money while the other candidates have to beg for the dollar. This is why as stated in previous post that Romney is not liked, he has it all while the others have to fight every day to get on air. Think Kennedy v Nixon and you get the idea, would not be my favorite either, but main problem is his change of opinions from a Liberal to a Conservative almost over night. Lets have a look at Florida and the state of the Romney Campaign, the respected pollster Rasmussen has the following results, Romney 27 %, McCain 23 %, Giuliani 20%, Mason - Dixon, also has lead for Romney of four points, Romney 30 %, McCain 26 %, Giuliani 18%. Its down to money, Romney has the money to fight while the other candidate's have to pick their states, Huckabee is out of Florida and heading South. It should be noted about Florida they they have early voting, so Giuliani should not be written off just yet, depends how much votes he has gotten from those that have moved from New York State to Florida. RealClearPolitics average of polls has the following result, McCain 24.5%, Romney 23.5% and Giuliani 18.8% a close race. Based on these polls am going to call Florida for Romney, with a 5% - 10% margin over McCain.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
BBC v President George W. Bush
Obama and the Slum LandLord
The Times: Article on contributions to the Obama Campaign that the Campaign has had give to charity. This goes back to the Clinton attack in the S.C Debate. The Clinton's looks for a weakness and play dirty.
Romney Factor
The Nation and Bill Clinton
Politics and the Gipper
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Death in Afghanistan
Where is the Gipper ?
NYT on Thompson
Fred Thompson OUT
Obama v Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton and Reagan
Clinton and Reagan
Press Review of S.C Debate
CNN: Reports that Edwards was on form, also has a look at the Strategic plans of Obama and Clinton, Clinton appealing to the base while Obama is reaching out beyond the base. The question that this very interesting article asks is which strategy will win the nomination. Recommend Reading.
S. C. Debate Review - Democrats
As VIEWS is over the water had a good chance to think about the Democratic Debate last night, Obama and Clinton don't like each other, some real dirty pool of politics, he stated she had been a Director of Wall Mart while she said he had been Lawyer for a slum lord. John Edwards was there for this contest, but he came across as quite normal, not the rule for John Edwards, Edwards tried to keep to the subject and he did not bash on about his Two Americans stump speech. Obama showed he was not going to allow the Bill and Hillary Clinton to define his record. He is learning what others have learnt about the Clinton's they fight dirty. Thus on the grading of the debate, Obama A, Clinton B+ and Edwards a C-.
Obama gets a A because he showed in the first hour that he was willing to fight his corner, he showed that Democrats have to get votes beyond the base, thus the reference to Ronald Reagan, he showed that they needed Obama Republicans and Independents to vote for the Democrats as to have the support Reagan had in 1980.
Clinton gets a B+ because she kept Obama on earth, made him fight dirty, as ab0ve she has no chance in S.C but she made sure she will get support for Super Tuesday. Her support is older women over 50 and those from Mexican decent. In the General Election she will need to get greater support to win.
Edwards gets a C- he made himself noticed, but this is not his year.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Edwards in 08 Election
Reagan in the New York Times
South Carolina and Nevada Results
I was right about the Nevada result, Clinton winning with high single digits, over 5 %. I was out on the McCain result, I was to generous, in the end McCain won by 3 % over Huckabee.
The Final Results:
Clinton 51 %
Obama 45 %
South Carolina:
McCain 33 %
Huckabee 30 %
The outcome of Nevada is odd, CNN last night stated that both Clinton and Obama would gain 14 delegates but that includes Super Delegates, Governor etc who is a Democrat. Without counting Super Delegates, Obama would be ahead. What is the point of Clinton winning if she does not get the majority of the Delegates. But that is the Democratic Party!! McCain if does not make slip ups should be the nominee of the Republican Party after Super Tuesday.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Clinton on Obama and Ronald Reagan Part Three
The Hill: Senators Clinton and Edwards go after Obama about his views of Ronald Reagan, the real point is that they are not in the league of Ronald Reagan and never will be, that is the real reason. They don't have that greatness, Obama just might have that Reagan magic, and Clinton and Edwards hate that idea.
Obama and Reagan Part Two
WSJ: Comes to the defence of Senator Obama, looks at the context how Obama used Reagan as a symbol for his movement and how the extreme Liberals wing of the Democratic Party reacted. The article stated the following, " Mr. Obama committed a grievous blunder by nodding at the achievement of one of the most consequential Presidencies of the 20th century. If the rest of the Democrats can't even recognize the same, it suggests that the change they have in mind is back to the 1960s and '70s. " The USA needed Reagan after Vietnam and Watergate, he allowed the country to regain its confidence in itself, he used military spending to end the Cold War, Gorbachev was selected by the old guard to match Reagan, with Gorbachev and Reagan we see the end of the Cold War. The Reagan Administration did not lose an inch of ground to communism during its time in office. The Economy was turned, a economic boom developed due to tax cuts and domestic cuts. Reagan was the best President since JFK. The last great President of the 20th Century.
No Reagan ?
The Weekly Standard: Looks at the Republican race and how none of the candidates are another Ronald Reagan. The article states the following, " It's foolish to wait for another Ronald Reagan " As the article points out, Reagan was a Master politician but also a leader of a movement. Obama wants to do the same thing, this has got him in to trouble with the Liberal wing of the Democratic Party, we shall see if has the Reagan magic. McCain or Huckabee should be a good candidate for conservatives, but not Romney, sorry a phony is a phony.
Friday, January 18, 2008
The Mind of Bill Clinton
Edwards on Obama and Ronald Reagan
Obama and Nevada
Nevada Prediction
South Carolina Prediction
New York Times v Bill Clinton
South Carolina Polls
The Polls in South Carolina are getting close, the race looks like it is between Senator McCain and Governor Huckabee. Romney is the only campaign to have take an interest in the Nevada Caucus thus will win that fight. In South Carolina, we have two factors, Military veterans who should support McCain and religious supporters for Huckabee. The respected pollster Rasmussen has McCain and Huckabee at 24 % each, thus a very close race. A Mason - Dixon Poll ( pdf required ) has the following close result, McCain 27 % and Huckabee 25 %. The race is to close to call at this moment.
Update to New York Times Row
Judge Rules on Nevada
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Nevada Polls
Dirty Pool in Las Vegas ?
Ronald Reagan TODAY
Clinton Afraid of Nevada Result
The Clinton Machine is very afraid that they could lose Nevada. Here is Bill Clinton in full SPIN MODE. Typical of the Clinton Machine when the rules work for them they are ok but if the rules work for Obama its wrong. I hope the African American community take note of this in S.C and vote for Obama.
Obama another Reagan ?
The Politico: Interesting video on Politico, Obama compares himself to Ronald Reagan as in the creation of a movement, and how Nixon and Clinton failed to create a legacy after they left office. Bill Clinton will go through the roof, VIEWS recalls reading that Clinton hated that Reagan the Teflon President got away in his mind with some bad polices but Clinton got a Special Prosecutor if he didn't salute in the right way. Not that VIEWS is a cynic but one has to wonder if the Clinton Machine is behind this, Nevada coming up, do they want to make the base mistrust Obama thus this video. VIEWS is a cynical SOB when it comes to politics.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Liberal Arrogance
1992 = 2008
I hope the 2008 Presidential race does not seem like a replay of the 1992 Presidential Election. The least favorite subject held by VIEWS is Economics. Economics are boring, yes if you out of work or about to lose your House its important but to explain how you get form A to Z in economic terms is well just boring!!. Give me a Security Election not if the Dow Jones is down a few hundred points on a given day. A this wont be another Wall Street Crash of 1929, even the dot com bubble when it burst was a economic correction, over priced stocks for companies that had good public relations but not much selling. In the end how ever bad economic news its never as bad the New York Times would like you to think but not as great as those that are not really effected by the Market. You see why I don't like discussing Economic Issues. No more Michigan Elections please, a request from this humble writer.
Obama and Vegas
Liberals v Conservatives
African American Vote and Hillary Clinton
Michigan Result
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
McCain the next President ?
Watch this add and see why you should vote for Senator John McCain an American Hero.
Michigan Vote Update
The Boston Globe: An interesting article that looks how the move by Michigan to place its Primary early will effect the Democratic and Republican Primary. Well on the Democratic side its a popular contest of no value, the DNC removed the delegates from Michigan because of the early move. On the Republican side they lost half of their delegates. The question that has to be asked, will Independents and Democrats vote for McCain or vote for Romney as to make the Republican race last longer. As after the New Hampshire, no one is sure, that is why Democracy is fun, not great but fun, its neck and neck in the state. If Independents and some Democrats move to McCain he should win, but on the other hand as stated in previous posts Romney has many assets in Michigan.
Civil Rights Peace ?
New York Times: Its seems on the Democratic side that both the Obama and Clinton campaigns want a mutual deterrence pact when it comes to race relations. It is easy to understand, Obama is not running as a African Candidate and Hillary Clinton does not want to get in a race fight with an African American Candidate with a real chance of winning the White House. Lets see how long this Election Peace will last, if Obama was to win Nevada all bets are off, the Clinton's want to win the White House.
Vote for McCain in Michigan
Michigan Vote
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Clinton Dirty Pool Redux !!
Clinton Dirty Pool in Nevada
Michigan Prediction
Romney Moment ?
The Politico: Reports that Romney is ahead in Michigan his last firewall, his father was a popular Governor and he grew up in Michigan. Interesting finding, it is Economic worry that is helping Romney, he has run a business and had a successful Olympics. After N.H VIEWS wants to see lot more polls and their background before calling Michigan for any candidate.
Home Turf ?
New York Times: Reports on the Obama threat to a Hillary Clinton win in her own state. I cant seen African Americans what ever their State, National Leaders voting for Hillary Clinton over the first African American with a real chance of winning the Presidency.
Bush or Iran
Friday, January 11, 2008
Bloomberg Effect on 08 Election
The Kerry support for Obama, Reviews
USA Today: How the Kerry support could help Obama on the money front. American Politics is all about money at the end of the day with the exception of Romney.
Civil Rights and the Clinton Machine
New York Times: Interesting article that's shows how much of the Establishment candidate the Clinton Machine has become, the NYT point out an interview given by Hillary Clinton as an example of how experience is more important that hope, in this case LBJ v the role of Martin Luther King. It was the Civil Rights movement that was the fire for change, the skills of LBJ with the help of Republicans got new laws on to the books, but it was MLK and his hope of a better future of African Americans that got equal rights for African Americans, reality, the master skills of LBJ needed the hope of Dr King. If Clinton does not understand that she could lose all the good gained by her husband within the African American community.
The Press on S.C Debate
Weekly Standard: Bill Kristol reviews the Debate, Has Thompson showing his skills and some fire in the belly.
NBC News: Has Thompson as the winner.
Republican Debate - S.C
As the Republican debate was not on till 2am UK time, it has given VIEWS time to think about who won and who lost. I would say from thinking about the debate, McCain kept the surge from New Hampshire. Huckabee will have played well with the Christian vote, he can quote the bible without sounding like a bible basher. The surprise of the night was Fred Thompson, he was on top form, the Fox Review of Voters had him winning but doubts if he could win, there was the opinion if he had acted like this from the start the race would have been different on the Republican side. On the negative side, Ron Paul is in the wrong party, Giuliani was okay not great but not bad either, wont have hurt himself in Florida. Lets to get to the great phony Mitt Romney, sorry not a good night, even a phony can have nights when he is not a good second hand car salesman.
Kerry Supports Obama
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Nevada Next
Obama and the Democratic Base
Views saw Senator Obama on Sky News, the Senator was in New Jersey, it seems that the Senator has learned the lesson of New Hampshire, the speech was full of meat for the Democratic Base, the evils of the world, Iraq, Corruption, Katerina was the blame of the Bush Administration. Is this is a wise road to go down if he wants to keep Independents and Moderate Republicans voting for him.
The Road to the Oval Office
The Day After
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
The Future for McCain and Clinton
Comeback Lady
New Hampshire Results Update
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
1992 Again !!
Hollywood Liberals
No Ballots - Drudge Report
Clinton Road Map
The Democratic Establishment
Monday, January 07, 2008
Iran Threat to USA Ships
Fox on the Spot, the Clinton Moment
The Problem with Bill !
Bob Shrum Advice
New Hampshire Polls
Muskie Moment ?
Is Clinton Out?
Drudge Report: Is reporting that Hillary Clinton is thinking about getting out if she was to lose New Hampshire. If she was to lose by double digits, she does not want to be recalled as the Clinton that could not win. Depends on the Result.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
New Poll - Republicans
Rasmussen: A new poll out on New Hampshire, this shows a close race between McCain and Romney. In my view as stated in prev post, this will be quite a close race, if the Independents go for Obama then McCain will win but it will be a tough fight, just a gut feeling about the race.
Rasmussen Poll:
McCain 32 %
Romney 30 %
If it looks like Obama will win easily, then more Independents will vote in the Republican race. A very close race, Romney could still pull it off in N.H. He has the money.
New Hampshire Polls
I have selected a poll that I think follows the trend I see, but there are a lot of polls, so take your pick.
McClatchy-MSNBC poll: On the Democratic side this poll has Obama and Clinton tied, I think Obama is way ahead, but we shall see, on the Republican side more interesting, McCain well ahead, here are the figures:
Obama 33 %
Clinton 31 %
McCain 32 %
Romney 24 %
Head on chopping block again, I see Obama and McCain winning in New Hampshire. I think the Republican side could be quite close, if the Independents vote in the Democratic Race. I think Obama will win big in N.H.
The Clinton Mess
Hillary Clinton's Last Stand
Reagan in 1980 looked strong in a Debate, Senator Hillary Clinton looks like a former Front Runner who is about to lose her chance to be President.
Drudge on New Poll
Obama 39 %
Clinton 27 %
If that was the result on Tuesday the Clinton Campaign could be over, Obama would win the nomination.
Fox Review of Debate
If these undecided voters are the norm on N.H then the Clinton Campaign is toast. You cant impose Bill on Hillary.
The Left and Bush
President Obama ?
Washington Post: The Dean of the Washington Press has a look at the race in New Hampshire. The Republicans are in for a long race, but if Obama can win N.H the race could be over. Broder writes the following, " Any way you view it, the race is now Obama's to lose. " The Clinton Machine is tough, both Bill and Hillary are not going to give up without a fight. Twenty Four hours is a long time in politics.
The Debate R - D
Have to admit folks was out on Saturday so did not see the debate, also over the water thus not shown on CNN or Fox. Lets see how the Elite Media play the Debate, also the question does it matter, its a Saturday, so low audience figure. The Election is on Tuesday, not sure it will effect the outcome.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Obama and Clinton
Clinton and History ?
Bad Politics !
Clinton Machine in Meltdown ?
McCain Surge - New Poll
The Poll:
Huckabee is a now show is N.H. The place is quite secular and has voted for McCain in 2000. In fact it helps Huckabee if McCain wins and Romney is forced out. The next target for Huckabee is South Carolina, lot of religious voters. This will be a clash between McCain and Huckabee.
Obama Surge - New Poll
Rasmussen: A new Rasmussen poll for New Hampshire, has Senator Obama ten points ahead, can the Clinton Machine crawl the Senator back down to political earth in the time they have, less than three days before the vote. Here are the figures from the Poll:
Obama 37 %
Clinton 27 %
Edwards 19 %
Friday, January 04, 2008
Iowa Result 2008
Well folks it was nice to be right about the result in Iowa, the prediction was lucky by 1 percent in both Democratic and Republic race. Had the order right, on the Republican side, Huckabee, Romney and McCain and on the Democratic side, Obama, Edwards and Clinton. McCain was 1 percent ahead of Thompson and Clinton was 1 percent behind Edwards.
The full result is as follows.
Obama 38 %
Edwards 30 %
Clinton 29 %
By the entry polls taken by the networks change played a part in the result on the Democratic side. In the speech by Clinton the old experience card was used again for the future. Might work in N.H. McCain has gained from this card.
On the Republican side:
Huckabee 34 %
Romney 25 %
McCain 13 %
Entry polls showed religion played an important part in the result, New Hampshire is more secular. McCain should win New Hampshire. All the latest polls have him leading. But Iowa is out of the way now, so Romney has five days to win N.H.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
The Ghost of 9/11
New York Times: The Chair and Vice Chair of the 9/11 Commission are not happy that their Commission was not informed of the CIA Tapes. They write in the NYT the following, " What we do know is that government officials decided not to inform a lawfully constituted body, created by Congress and the president, to investigate one the greatest tragedies to confront this country. We call that obstruction. " They have a point, this smells like Pearl Harbour all over again, after 9/11 the Commission should have had all the information, if we don't learn from the past we will make the same mistakes in the future.
CIA Tapes Destruction and Law
CNN Poll
If Huckabee wins tomorrow, this should cut the Romney lead by a few points in N.H. As the Primary is within a few days gives McCain a chance, but he has to be tough, more tougher political adds. McCain is a War Hero, use it and win.
New Hampshire Poll
Here are the results of the poll:
McCain 37 %
Romney 31 %
If Huckabee wins Iowa, McCain will take N.H. A very interesting race will develop.