Thursday, January 24, 2008

Politics and the Gipper

The Australian: Looks at the political problem that Obama got by his use of Ronald Reagan as an example of Presidential Leadership. On the one hand, reach beyond the Democratic base, good in a General Election context, bad as the Democratic base is very Liberal and out of touch. It has been noted in recent articles that while Reagan created Reagan Democrats, Obama wants to create Obama Republicans. The article states the following, " so the next agent of change a liberal version of Reagan. " The problem that Obama faces is that Bill Clinton who wanted to move the Democratic Party to the centre has to pander to the Liberal base to get his wife nominated as the Democratic Nominee. An ironic twist, the agent of change in 1992 is know the upholder of the establishment. As the establishment Democratic Party protected him in 1998 over Impeachment, Clinton has a debt to pay at the expense of the future of the Democratic Party.

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