A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Husband Bill
The Politico: Looks at the role of Bill Clinton in Iowa and a future First Husband. The reason that Master politician has been needed is that Hillary Clinton is not him, the problem with Democrats is that they super impose Bill on Hillary and expect it work, software patches on your PC should work, does not mean they will all the time. Hillary is not Bill.
A Fake but a good Fake ?
Romney is good very good on the TV spots, a fake but a good fake. Sometimes a fake is better than the real thing, politics is a very odd sport. Romney the next President ?
New Poll in Iowa
A new poll from Zogby, on the Democratic side the Obama surge has stalled and Edwards is on the up, a trend of this week, a winning trend ? If Edwards was to win, he has no where to go, he is taking public money, he can not afford to fight the Clinton Machine. Here is the Zogby Poll:
Clinton 30 %
Obama 26 %
Edwards 26 %
The race is to close to call on the Democratic side.
On the Republican side, we still have Huckabee in the lead just over Romney. Romney due to his money should be able to take Iowa. Here is the Poll Results:
Huckabee 29 %
Romney 27 %
McCain 13 %
If Huckabee can hold on, and McCain can sharpen his political add in N.H then McCain just might get the nomination.
Clinton 30 %
Obama 26 %
Edwards 26 %
The race is to close to call on the Democratic side.
On the Republican side, we still have Huckabee in the lead just over Romney. Romney due to his money should be able to take Iowa. Here is the Poll Results:
Huckabee 29 %
Romney 27 %
McCain 13 %
If Huckabee can hold on, and McCain can sharpen his political add in N.H then McCain just might get the nomination.
The Wild Card of 08
New York Times: This could be the wild card of o8, if Mayor Bloomberg was to run for the Presidency. He is a BILLIONAIRE, the NYT writes the following, " Advisers have said Mr. Bloomberg, a billionaire many times over, might invest as much as $1 billion of his own fortune (he spent about $160 million on his two mayoral races) on a presidential campaign. " Both Republicans and Democrats combined could not match him in the money stakes, he could spend a billion and not notice, this would then become even more an interesting race, the establishments of both Parties should be very worried about a Bloomberg Campaign.
Howard Dean Moment
CNN: Reports that a Top Supporters of Senator Hillary Clinton, Governor Ted Strickland of Ohio has been critical of the role of Iowa in the election process. This recalls when Howard Dean was seen to be critical of the role of Iowa in the election process, this did not help him with the good people of Iowa. Also do the Clinton people have internal polls showing them behind, it seems that the Senator was planning a quick getaway from Iowa to N.H. I hope the good people of Iowa will vote to show their negative view of candidates who don't wait to to hear the election result.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Does Thompson have the fire in the belly to win ?
CNN: Reports on the view that Senator Fred Thompson does not really want to be President, no fire in the belly would be the correct term, Reagan in 1976 and 1980 wanted to be President, will Thompson carry on if he was to lose the early states, have doubts on that question. The Presidency is taken not given, one sometimes gets the impression that Thompson wants to be handed the job, it does not work that way.
McCain goes after Romney
McCain is a good man, a heroic man, but is he tough enough to win the Presidency. On the whole I think the Romney add on Huckabee is better, I think the Senator has to improve his adds. Need to be tougher on Romney.
Romney Add and Huckabee
This could be the add that stops Governor Huckabee in Iowa, its very effective political tool. Its negative but factual, this could be the add that gives Romney the Nomination. Very Effective.
Fred Thompson Add
Thompson another Reagan ? Reagan in 1976 lost the early states but carried on, came close to the nomination in 1976.
CIA Tapes
New York Times: A look at the decision by the CIA to destroy the tapes of its interrogation of Terrorists. On the whole a very fair article from the Liberal NYT. THE NYT OF COURSE IS OPPOSED TO HARSH METHODS WHEN DEALING WITH THERATS TO THE USA.
Romney and Huckabee in Iowa
Washington Post: Interesting article about the fight between Romney and Huckabee in Iowa. The fight back by Romney and his critical adds seems to have halted the Huckabee surge at the moment as seen by the latest polls from Iowa, a Mason - Dixon poll has Romney 27 %, Huckabee 23 %, Zogby has the following results, Huckabee 29 %, Romney 28 %. Iowa is still to close to call, I though Huckabee would win, not so sure just to close to call.
Union Leader on Clinton
New Hampshire Union Leader: Interesting article asking for Senator Clinton to release files from the Clinton Administration. The paper states the following, " A candidate with White House experience who really believes that would let voters examine the records from the period during which she claims she was such a vital part of "the White House team." But Mrs. Clinton's actions show that she does not believe what she says. " This should help Senator Obama. The Clinton Machine is doing a con trick, asking voters to take the word of a politician.
Iowa Polls Part Two
Well folks it getting close the vote in Iowa, but it seems from the polls that on the Democratic side its even stevens, small lead for Clinton in a new Zogby Poll, Clinton 31 %, Obama 27 % and Edwards third at 24 %. The Clinton's should not get the good stuff out to drink yet, another poll has another story. A McClatchy-MSNBC poll has Edwards ahead, in this poll Edwards 24 %, Clinton 23 %, Obama 22 %. Thus you take your pick with polls, recall 1992 Polls for the UK General Election, LESSON, don't trust people when you ask them how they will vote.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
NYT on McCain
New York Times: Another good article on the McCain Campaign, one gets the impression that the one Republican that the Liberal NYT likes is Senator John McCain. Although they disagree on many issues, they share agreement on some very important issues, Torture, the Role of the Presidency v Congress. The one major exception is Iraq, McCain supported the surge the NYT was against the Bush policy in Iraq.
Salon on the Democrats
Salon.com: Looks at the Democratic Race and who can win in Iowa and how the voters of Iowa will pick their candidate. One simple answer, a winner, but that goes for Republicans and Democrats.
Romney in Spin over McCain
Governor Romney has decided to go negative on the McCain Campaign. The Governor is fighting on two fronts, Iowa and N.H. If he was to lose both he could be out of the race. Click here to see the latest negative add from Romney.
Iowa Third ?
Fox News: An article by Susan Estrich on the effect of coming third in Iowa, how this can have a massive effect this year when N.H votes. The effect will be negative. This follows on from previous commentary on Iowa. On the Republican side it could be different, if McCain can come in Third he has a chance of winning in N.H.
Friday, December 28, 2007
McCain the next POTUS ?
Robert Novak: The respected reporter looks at the prospects for Senator John McCain and his chances of winning the Republican Nomination. Its all down Iowa, a Romney loss would help McCain in N.H.
McCain and Foreign Policy
New York Times: If did not not better would think that the NYT wants Senator John McCain to the be the Republican nominee, the article looks at how the McCain campaign is stressing National Security Experience after the events in Pakistan Today.
INF Treaty
The National Security Archive; George Washington University; has a new look at the Washington Summit of 1987. The NSA has the latest released documents from the then USSR and the USA. Must Read of the Day.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Pakistan and O8 Election
CNN: Looks at the effect of the events in Pakistan on the up an coming vote in Iowa. Iowa has a Isolation bent in character, both Democrats and Republicans, but Foreign Policy Experience could help Clinton and McCain. My gut is telling me could be seeing a Clinton v McCain contest after February.
Iowa Polls
Just after the Christmas, and the polls in Iowa are all over the place, a Strategic Vision Poll has Obama ahead by 1 point, 30 % Obama, Clinton 29 %, a ARG Poll has Clinton ahead by 15 points, Clinton 34 %, and Obama in third place at 19 %. Its getting interesting folks.
Iowa Trail
DesMoinesRegister.com: A very interesting article that looks at the effect of coming third in Iowa, the article states the following, " On the Democratic side, a third-place finish will severely wound a leading candidate, perhaps mortally. On the Republican side, it just might provide a shot of political steroid for a lagging candidate as the race heads to New Hampshire. " If McCain can come in third this could give him the chance of New Hampshire; should Huckabee beat Romney; as in N.H Huckabee is at the bottom of the polls. The last poll I saw had Fred Thmpson in third place, but events events as a old British Prime Minister stated to a Minster, third place just might be POTUS.
A Sad Day
The Assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan and leader of the PPP is a sad day for Pakistan and for those that support Democracy. The up and coming election in Pakistan has to be carried on, if Democracy is stalled then the Terrorist wins. The Assassination does raise a question, can Pakistan have security and Democracy or do the people of Pakistan have to chose between Security and Democracy. Pakistan is nuclear armed thus the future of Pakistan is a concern of the West and the World.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Fake Romney
Concord Monitor: Has come with a negative view of Governor Romney, the paper writes the following, " If you followed only his tenure as governor of Massachusetts, you might imagine Romney as a pragmatic moderate with liberal positions on numerous social issues and an ability to work well with Democrats. If you followed only his campaign for president, you'd swear he was a red-meat conservative, pandering to the religious right, whatever the cost. Pay attention to both, and you're left to wonder if there's anything at all at his core. " This gives McCain an excellent chance in New Hampshire, he is only a few points behind Romney, as stated it all goes down to Iowa, if Huckabee can win Iowa then this should help McCain in N.H, the general view is that Romney would lose support in the state and thus allow a McCain win.
NYT and Hillary Clinton
New York Times: Another biting article on Hillary Clinton, is the LIBERAL New York Times really out to support Obama. Two biting articles by their top writers, I smell a hatched job here, if your supporting Obama NYT just come out and support him, he is a good choice to be President.
Bill Clinton and the NYT
New York Times: A biting article by Maureen Dowd on the Clinton marriage, what she did not mention was the fact that if Hillary Clinton is elected you can almost guarantee sometime during her Presidency there will be Special Prosecutor, mixture of soap and law and order.
New N.H Poll ( PDF Required ) - Republicans
Boston Globe: The new poll shows how the Huckabee effect in Iowa has effected Romney in New Hampshire, McCain is back from the political dead, he is know second to Romney, if Romney was to lose Iowa this could move McCain to take N.H. The race would be wide open it would come down to South Carolina and and Super Tuesday in early February. Here are the figures:
McCain should get his supporters to support Huckabee in Iowa and Huckabee who has no chance in New Hampshire should get his voters to support McCain. This method could see Romney out of the race and the contest would be between McCain, Huckabee and Giuliani
New N.H Poll ( PDF Required ) - Democrats
Boston Globe: A new poll from New Hampshire, that's shows Obama still ahead by two points, it should be recalled that Hillary Clinton was miles ahead, her campaign for the past few weeks has been a semi disaster. Here are the figures:
Obama 30 %
Clinton 28 %
Edwards 14 %
Obama 30 %
Clinton 28 %
Edwards 14 %
In N.H Edwards has not chance, the contest is between Obama and Clinton. If Obama can win Iowa and Clinton should come third, she could lose N.H. The contest would then go down to Super Tuesday in early February.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Fox on the Money and Truth!!
Romney is not the Gipper, in future he has to get his history right. Romney should read history and the fate of the Gore in 2000. The Press will go after any error and they have the money to check and double check. The Elite Press dont like the Republicans.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Iowa Poll - Democrats
Strategic Vision Poll: Democrats
Obama 30 %
Clinton 27 %
Edwards 27 %
Obama 30 %
Clinton 27 %
Edwards 27 %
Another poll showing Obama ahead and Clinton and Edwards tied for second place. An interesting thought, what if Obama wins and Edwards comes second and Clinton third, will N.H be enough to protect the nomination for Clinton. In N.H Obama and Clinton are tied, one gets the impression that Democrats don't really want Hillary Clinton and are looking for reasons to support Obama, lets face it the Clinton Campaign has not helped itself in Iowa, so many mistakes but can the powerful Clinton Machine turn this around, the next few days and weeks will be very interesting on the political front.
New Iowa Poll - Republicans
Strategic Vision Poll: Republicans
Huckabee: 31 %
Romney: 25 %
Thompson 16 %
Huckabee: 31 %
Romney: 25 %
Thompson 16 %
A interesting poll, have Huckabee and Romney fighting each other taking their eye of the ball, Thompson is going up, and McCain is close to Romney in N.H. Is it possible that Romney could come third after spending his millions in the State. The Problem with Romney as shown in his Meet the Press Interview and his claim that he saw his father march with Martin Luther King; his father did not march with King but supported Civil Rights; is that Romney is a fake, his use of the English Language is like Bill Clinton not a good example in the Republican Race for President.
CIA Tapes
New York Times: Reports that a Judge at the Federal Level has turned down a request that he hold a hearing in to the destruction of the now well known CIA Tapes. The NYT wont be happy, they see this as another Watergate, they hate the Bush Administration so much they want Terrorists treated as if they are common criminals. The CIA was right to destroy the Tapes, National Security should always come first, the protection of CIA Agents should always be the first order.
The Nation - Liberal Bible
The Nation: The bible of the left is not happy, no one seems to match their need to lose elections. LBJ once said if you had a grandmother with one eye you don't show her to the public, think The Nation and you get the idea, out of Iraq, tax the rich, etc, the loony tunes of the left, God help us ( they wont like that either !! ). Makes one almost vote for Hillary Clinton.!!
Democratic Congress and Power Politics
USA Today: As with previous post this looks at the failure of the Democratic Congress to get what it wanted through, looks at how they failed and how the players, The Hill, The White House can work to get some work done in Washington D.C. Its an Election Year, I wont hold my breath.
Bush V The Hill
New York Times: An article that looks how Democratic Dreams from last year meet the reality of the Power of the Presidency. One feels the the NYT has the same problem as the Democratic Leadership, they trusted their own spin rather than looking how real power works on the The Hill. Even the Democratic Leadership has learned not to attack the President on Iraq, the NYT writes the following, " They will keep the pressure on over Iraq, though the speaker indicated that she might focus more on policy questions and less on money for troops. " In other words the Democrats don't want to be seen as weak on National Security in an Election Year. It would be ironic if the Democrats lost the White House because of the actions of a Democratic Congress.
New Hampshire Poll
USA Today/ Gallup Poll: The Firewall that was New Hampshire has gone for Hillary Clinton, Senator Obama and Senator Clinton are tied in the latest poll from the state. Here are the figures:
Obama 32 %
Clinton 32 %
The Edwards campaign is at 18 %, in other words Obama is the main challenge to Clinton. If Obama can win Iowa and N.H and then South Carolina it could be over for Clinton. It charisma v experience, hope v harsh politics. The War in Iraq has improved, the threat of terrorism has gone down, thus voters will consider a risk and vote for a less experience candidate because they want some hope for the future, a bridge to the 21 Century as a certain President once stated, who could that be? Think it was a certain President Clinton.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Clinton Dirty Pool Part Three
ABC News: Has an exclusive story that the Clinton machine will launch Web sites to attack Senator Obama. Do the good people of Iowa want that kind of candidate to win their sate and even worse win the Presidency. The true colours of the Clinton Machine is coming out, win at any cost, no matter the damage to the election cycle. This is move makes Richard Nixon look like a Liberal!! No wonder the Richard Nixon had praise for Bill Clinton when he meet him, share the same political view, destroy your opponent and win at any cost.
McCain Next President ?
New Hampshire Union Leader: Has an interesting article on the real challenge to Romney coming from McCain in N.H not Huckabee. Early in the Campaign McCain was the front runner, can he do a Clinton and come back, as George W. Bush did in South Carolina in 2000 when McCain beat him in N.H. Politics and Xmas what fun!!!
CNN Poll in Iowa
CNN: Reports that the Iowa candidates are grouping together, latest figures in the Democratic Race for President.
Clinton 30 %
Obama 28 %
Edwards 26 %
Clinton 30 %
Obama 28 %
Edwards 26 %
The Edwards Campaign of late has even lead in one poll, that is one poll, even if Edwards could win Iowa it would mean a Clinton win, Edwards does not have the money he is taking public funds, if Clinton could come in second and win in N.H then she will win the Democratic nomination for President.
Drudge Report on McCain
Drudge Report: Reports a conflict between the Liberal New York Times and the McCain Campaign. It seems that the NYT has a interesting story connecting the Senator to a Lobbyist. What is most interesting is who leaked the story and why, well it seems to have come from the NYT, reporters who are not happy that the Editor does not want to run a story before people vote next year. This sounds like a good story if true, all those in the story deny its basics. It shall be interesting if the Elite Media follow up on this story. Could the Clinton Machine be behind it, always assume they are guilty of something, even if different campaign.
New Republican Poll
ABC News/Washington Post: A new poll that shows that Governor Huckabee is still in the lead in Iowa.
Huckabee 35 %
Romney 27 %
I still think my early call for Huckabee in Iowa is correct. I dont think Romney cant get pass his Mormon faith, not fair but that is politics.
Huckabee 35 %
Romney 27 %
I still think my early call for Huckabee in Iowa is correct. I dont think Romney cant get pass his Mormon faith, not fair but that is politics.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Republican Poll
Rasmussen: Has Huckabee blown Iowa, when he started to take a long lead in Iowa other Republicans started to look at his record as Governor, but this is the important part, he treated Iraq like a Democrats would treat the issue. Bush might not be popular at the moment but with Republican cadre he is still popular. Governor Huckabee has been critical of Bush over Iraq, not a good move in Iowa.
Is Romney the Comeback Candidate of 2008.
The New York Observer
The New York Observer: Having a go at the Liberal Congress for not getting out of Iraq. They missed the Surge in Iraq.
New Iowa Poll
ABC News/Washington Post: A new poll from Iowa, it shows how successful Senator Obama has been in the last few weeks, in giving himself a chance at the nomination.
Obama 33 %
Clinton 29 %
And in the second round the Senator is also ahead of Clinton.
Obama 37 %
Clinton 31 %
This is the time for the Senator to make Iowa is First Home, half day for Xmas celebrations then back on the Campaign Trail.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Xmas Period
While we eat and be merry over the Xmas period and watch Dr Who on Christmas Day, the poor people of Iowa get harried by people wanting to be President, poor them, could be worse they cold be French!! Governor Huckabee again shows his smarts, an add about Xmas, he has that Reagan charm. If a Democrat don't be to keen on him to win, recall Reagan.
Back to Politics !!
CNN: Reports that if Hillary Clinton should win next year, on her first day she will send her husband and his new best buddy, George. H. W. Bush around the world to fix the problems created by the Bush 43. The Bush Clan is about one thing if anything and that is loyalty. Don't think Bush 41 will take kindly to being dragged in to the mess that is the Clinton Campaign at the moment. The Clinton Camp must be worried, not a good idea to annoy a former President and his son who is President.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Lieberman Supports McCain
Fox News: Reports that Senator Lieberman is to Endorse Senator McCain, how about a McCain - Lieberman Ticket, not a bad idea if you think about it for second, Republican - Democrat, and Lieberman is strong supporter of the War in Iraq.
Clinton = Reagan ?
NY Daily News: Reports that Senator Clinton has stated that she is in for the long run, well that does recall Reagan in 1976, loss early states and came close to unseating President Gerald Ford.
Meet the Press
Well saw Governor Romney on Meet the Press, honest opinion of VIEWS family, a fake, sorry but a fake, all over the place on Issues, had that Bill Clinton negative that he tried to use the English Language as a shield. I think Huckabee has a good chance in Iowa.
New York Times: Reports that the Bush Administration is doing a review its operations military and non military in Afghanistan. This is an excellent move, the terrorists have recovered from 2001, thus we need new ideas to attack them on the military front but also to keep the support of the good people of Afghanistan.
New Hampshire Firewall
Washington Post: Interesting article in the Post, it seems that the Clinton Campaign is hoping that past alliances will help them in 2008, they should be very careful, Hillary Clinton could win N.H but be like Paul Tsongas see Obama come in a strong second like her husband and go on to win the nomination.
Boston Globe: I was curious about this article, by the one and only James Carville, it looks back at the race in 1992 in N.H. Then I read the above article, are the elite media giving the Clinton Machine a pass on losing Iowa and N.H but coming in a strong second aka Bill Clinton in 1992. YES VIEWS IS THAT MUCH A CYNIC.
Republican Race for President
Its to early to make a call in this race overall, just have to see some more polls and Iowa result.
The Democratic Race for President
Lets have a quick look at the polls for the early states voting, Iowa by an RCP Average has Obama ahead by 3.5 %, looking at the polls over all in Iowa VIEWS is going to name Obama the winner in Iowa. Next the firewall for Hillary Clinton, New Hampshire, this one is harder to call, RCP on Average has Clinton leading by 3 %, if Obama can win Iowa by a good margin, then he can win N.H. In this state Obama is lucky Independents can vote in either the Democratic or Republican Primary, depends if the good people don't vote as they did in 2000 for McCain then they will vote for Obama on Election Day. This is a close call but VIEWS has Obama winning New Hampshire. Then on to Michigan, well the Clinton Campaign should be happy, the RCP Average has Clinton ahead by 23 %, but should Obama win the first two states, can Clinton keep the lead here, yes it would take a miracle for her to lose Michigan, so Michigan for Clinton. The same goes for Nevada, another Clinton win in less Obama can run the field. Then on to South Carolina this could finish Hillary Clinton, RCP Average is only 2.2 % ahead for Clinton and if Obama can move the African - American vote he should be able to win this state. Then Florida, this should be a win for Hillary in less Obama runs the field again.
Here is VIEWS prediction, early and could be very wrong, but just a gut instinct, Obama will be the nominee for the Democrats.
Bill Clinton Again !!
New York Times: It seems that Bill Clinton is losing the plot, yet again he his having a go at the experience of Senator Obama, lets be honest Bill Clinton has wanted to be President since he took his first breath, so the argument that someone par a Clinton has not enough experience does not wash, time to send Bill Clinton on a long holiday trip, get him out the way during the election. DOES BILL WANT HILLARY TO WIN ! !
Massachusetts Press Support
Boston Globe: The newspaper form the home state of Governor Romney supports Obama for the Democrats and McCain for the Republicans. Its odd that the newspaper did not support the candidate from its own state, but its a Liberal Newspaper.
Iowa Press Support
DesMoinesRegister: The State Paper supports Clinton for the Democrats and McCain for the Republicans, one point McCain has his eye on N.H, cant see this helping much, it will help Hillary Clinton, tied or just behind Obama. Are the Elite Media playing games, an endorsement that really helps Clinton but on the Republican side, a support that does nothing for the game on the ground.
Handover in Iraq
The UK has handover Basra Province to the Iraqi government, in the end our brave Service Personnel did their best in a bad situation, but I wonder did we help the people of Basra. We never had enough troops, but if this prevents the loss of another Soldier then so let it be, we can be proud of our Armed Forces. The BBC see what it wants to see, troops out of Iraq, in the years to come the first people to complain should events on the ground go bad will be the BBC.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Clinton Dirty Pool Part Two
Its an old political game, point out a problem, and if a fuss say sorry; Hillary Clinton has said sorry for the actions of her aide; but the story is out, in this case the past drug use of Senator Obama, he has been very honest about his past mistakes, but the Clinton Machines is in trouble thus its dirty pool time, it should be recalled that the Clinton machine play dirty, they win, so the Obama Campaign should look for more dirty pool from the Hillary Clinton Campaign. The Clinton's think they have a divine right to the Presidency. Lets hope the good people of Iowa show that the Presidency requires their votes. Lets hope they vote for Obama.
Democrats V Democrats
Washington Post: An article that looks at the political battle between the Congressional Leaders on the Democratic Side. The House and the Senate work on a different level, in the House the majority rules, in the Senate it needs over sixty votes to work. The row at its centre is based on the fact that LIBERAL pressure groups have a lot of influence in the House, they give the money, and all Democrats are up for election, the Senate is different, Senators serve six years and the Democrats look good for next year, but at the present they still need Republican votes to pass Bills. The core problem for the House is that the base wants out of Iraq and the Leaders in the House cant move the Senate and thus they have to fold and give the Administration what it wants, the base in not happy, but the House leadership is caught between a rock and hard place. Very informative article on the process of government in the United States.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Huckabee = Reagan ?
Newsday: Interesting article that looks at the view held by Democratic Strategic thinkers, that Governor Huckabee would be easy to beat, as the article points out these same thinkers thought President Carter would beat an ex actor, ex Governor, lets see, Ronald Reagan. The Democratic Speaker of the Congress, Speaker Tip O' Neill wanted Reagan to win the nomination, he thought Carter would win. It has to be recalled your dealing with Elite Liberals, they think New York and California is the the United States, they forget the states in between. Must Read of the Day.
NATO and Afghan forces have retaken Musa Qala but the point is how long can NATO keep retaking towns they lose, what is the end game or is there no end game, WAR WITHOUT END. If we are there for years, lets build up our troops, make sure they have the best equipment and pay. Also when troops are killed or suffer serious injury the government should make sure that families are supported and the money is there, we own our troops the best support.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Thompson Win at Debate
The last Republican Debate before voting was won by Senator Fred Thompson. Did recall the famous 1980 Debate performance of the Gipper. But on the whole should not effect the race, Huckabee should still win Iowa.
New Hampshire Poll
As always the respected pollster Rasmussen shows whats going on in New Hampshire. Obama is leading Hillary Clinton. Here are the raw figures:
Obama 31 %
Clinton 28 %
Obama 31 %
Clinton 28 %
The race is close, its to early to call the race for Obama, but if Obama can win in Iowa he should come close or win in N.H. If Obama can manage that kind of show he should beat Hillary Clinton down the line, Bill Clinton will not be a happy man if that happens, he would see it as personal defeat for himself.
Is Clinton OUT ?
A new poll by Strategic Vision should cause some worry in the Clinton Camp. Its the same feeling one has with Huckabee, as he will win Iowa, well Obama is on the way to winning over Clinton. Here are the raw figures:
The poll has an interesting question on what the voters want in a candidate, and charisma beats experience. Obama could be the new Clinton, that would very ironic if that happens.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Bush Factor
The Hill: A interesting article that points out all the good aspects of the Bush Presidency that you will miss in the elite media, Iraq, Stem Cell you get the drift. The Elite Media can not stand Bush or Republicans, thus they only go after the negative story. Must Read of the Day.
Clinton Dirty Pool
New York Times: Reports that the Deputy Campaign Manger for Senator Clinton is looking in to the background of Senator Obama. Bob Novak was right, the Clinton machine is up to its usual tricks and is looking for dirt on the Senator. What is more news is that the New York Times should run the story, are they moving to support Obama.
New Hampshire Polls
I think Iowa is a done deal on the Republican side, as in Huckabee will win, in New Hampshire if you look at the polls on RCP it can be seen that Romney is going down the negative root, there are ups but they never go beyond his high water mark. If it is a given that Huckabee is a given in Iowa, the Romney campaign should move to New Hampshire, in all Polls he leads, even if slow decline. The most interest is who will come second, either McCain or Giuliani. It is South Carolina that could decided which two candidates will fight it out for the nomination.
Huckabee and Iowa
A new poll by the respected pollster Rasmussen shows that Huckabee has Iowa tied up, the latest figures show the collapse of the Romney Campaign. In hard terms here are the figures, 39 % for Huckabee and 23 % for Romney. This could destroy the Romney plan, if he was to lose in Iowa but win narrowly in N.H, this would would give time for Giuliani in the later states. I think Huckabee has a good chance for the V.P spot under Giuliani.
Iran Diplomacy!
New York Times: Interesting article that shows many of the ideas held by Liberal Democrats in the USA. A lot of carrot for Iran, it shows why Iran cant wait for a Democratic Win next year, the threat of real action would be gone and Iran could develop the bomb.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Israel and Iran
The New York Times reports that Israel is not happy about the new US NIE on Iran. I have a feeling that Israel is worried about a Democratic Win in November, might take action early, less flak from a Bush Administration than a new Democratic Administration. That clock just might be going again....
Libby Case Closed
Fox News: Reports that Scooter Libby will drop his appeal plan. President George W. Bush should pardon this loyal aide, the case should never have reached trial.
The Hillary Problem ?
Bloomberg.com: Interesting article that looks at the problems the Clinton machines is going through. At its centre is her record, on one level a plus, First Lady then Senator, the problem is that voters don't trust her, and that is being polite, Hillary does not have the charm of Bill, but as stated in this blog for a long time, Hillary is not Bill, if Democrats cant see that they will lose next year.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
The Role for Bill ?
Washington Post: Interesting article on the Role of Bill Clinton in a Hillary Clinton Administration. He would need a role, we recall what happened when he was bored, Cigar any one!!
The British and Iran
Telegraph ( UK ): A very interesting article that looks at the view in London that the the CIA has been turned over by Iran. In other words the CIA wants the new NIE to be true, no matter if it not, USA might not attack Iran but then there is Israel.
Liberals and Iran
The Nation: The Bible for Liberals is all carrots for Iran, not stick, why are Liberals so weak, do they have no back bone or one not worth having for the security of the West.
Death in Afghanistan
Another death in Afghanistan, total losses know stand at 86, we will lose more but are we winning?
Extreme Investigation
The past couple of days the elite media have decided that the extreme investigation of terrorists suspects is another Watergate. That's Bull, would used a stronger term but lets just say bull. These are terrorists and what more high ranking terrorists. The CIA has to get the information out of them the best way they can, after they are no value in VIEWS opinion they should be taken out placed against a wall and shot.
The Democrats are again making a massive political mistake, do they recall 9/11, do they recall the constant fear for years after that the USA would be attacked. The President should call their bluff, tell the American people what information was received from the extreme investigation of terrorists and then shoot the SOB's, terrorist give no quarter and thus should expect no quarter, a firing squad for terrorists would show the West was tough and would use any method to destroy threats to Western Security. Put the Democrats in between a rock and a hard place. The problem with the Democrats is that they think that their base is the United States, its not. This could damage the Democrats in the long term.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Background to the NIE on Iran
New York Times: Interesting article that looks at the background for the NIE on Iran. The US Intelligence Services, CIA etc, discovered new information that ran counter to their original view of Iran. The NYT of course does not agree with the Bush policy when it comes to Iran, more carrot and carrot if the Times had its way. This is shown by the following written today by the Times, " Administration officials have said that they would continue to advocate tougher sanctions, which seems increasingly unlikely. ( author's VIEWS highlight )" The Times does not want sanctions, it is elite and weak, might be right about Iran but there is still a need for tough sanctions on Iran but also back channel diplomacy, if the NYT would allow the government to keep secrets.
Iowa Poll
A new poll by Strategic Vision in Iowa, this is very good for Obama, here are the good results for the Obama Camp.
Obama 32 %
Clinton 25 %
It should be noted that Clinton is even with Edwards in this poll. What a political race we would have if Obama wins and Edwards comes second and Hillary Clinton third. The six point lead she has in N.H would fade over night.
A very interesting poll ,to the point and simple to read, click here to read.
Obama 32 %
Clinton 25 %
It should be noted that Clinton is even with Edwards in this poll. What a political race we would have if Obama wins and Edwards comes second and Hillary Clinton third. The six point lead she has in N.H would fade over night.
A very interesting poll ,to the point and simple to read, click here to read.
Clinton Win ? ( PDF Version )
I must admit at the dawn of time, e.g when the race for the 2008 started, that over all I thought Hillary Clinton would win, now I am not so sure, if Obama can win in Iowa and Edwards can come in second I think we are looking at a new whole ball game. The latest poll from ABC/Washington Post shows Clinton with only a six point lead over Obama in New Hampshire, Clinton 35 % - Obama 29 %. The question has to be asked, will Hillary Clinton lose ?
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
NIE on Iran ( PDF Version )
Read and Decide, is Iran a threat, a future threat, or is it following the path of Iraq and conning the the World Community with the threat of developing the Bomb.
Death in Afghanistan
Another British Death in Afghanistan. The UK has loss 85 Service Personnel since 2001.
Bush on Iran

President George W. Bush: Courtesy of the White House
President George W. Bush has not allowed the NIE to change his views on Iran, there is an argument for allowing the issue to get the radar a bit in less your going to take action military action , the President stated the following on Iran Today.
This could be a chance to follow the Reagan path and open secret talks with Iran, just a problem, finding someone you can do business with, as the Gipper stated, Trust but Verify.
NIE and Clinton
The new NIE which has undermined the Bush Administration and its policy towards Iran, could also have an effect on the Clinton Campaign. A few Debates back, Obama stated he would meet with Iran and others to discuss their problems via the USA. At the time this was seen as naive in some quarters but it could be argued that the NIE gives Obama cover to be quite liberal about Iran. On Iran Clinton has been seen as a hawk compared to the rest of the Democrats, Bush Light, but this could damage her campaign as Iran has halted its nuclear bomb aims in 2003.
This is the time for Obama to show that he can win and that he is the future while Clinton represent the past, politics is about winning.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
NYT and the NIE
The New York Times the paper of record has what it wants, points that it can use against a military reaction to Iran. They just might be right when it comes to Iran.
The Clinton Factor ?
New York Times: Interesting article in the Liberal NYT, how a Clinton nomination could hurt others on the ticket. Is the NYT moving its support to Obama.
New Iran Update
A new United States National Intelligence Estimate states that Iran halted its attempt to develop the bomb in 2003. The Start of the Iraq War, they got the message it seems. The news came yesterday, my reaction was two fold, the American Intelligence networks got something right for once, they had to get a lucky break sometime, or Iraq has spooked them so much they are extra cautious. I take the first option, have to revoke my prediction that the the USA will attack Iran next year. This debate with Iran should became low key for the next few years, in less Israel finds that Iran has developed the bomb then all bets are off. The West can breath a bit more easier for the time, but still have to be on guard.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Iran Update
New York Times: Reports that Iran has refused to talk in good faith to the West, it is playing games, the whole diplomatic routine was to gain time. A military action by the West is need to prevent Iran becoming a nuclear power.
McCain Endorsment
CNN: Reports that Senator McCain has received the endorsement of New Hampshire Union Leader, this will help him in the state. If Huckabee can win Iowa, this helps both McCain and Giuliani.
Who Knew What When ?
The donations scandal that has hit Labour in England and Scotland has to have one resolution or resolutions for both wings of the Party. Someone is in for the High Jump, and I don't mean resignation, I mean jail time and fine. If no one is charged over this what is the points of these elections laws. There is no point in new laws if they are broken nothing will happen to those caught. The system needs a hard reality check, people who brake the law have to face courts and if found guilty do the time.
Iowa for Huckabee
DesMoinesRegister: New Poll in the Republican race. The leading candidates gain the following support in Iowa.
Huckabee 29 %
Romney 24 %
Huckabee 29 %
Romney 24 %
If Huckabee wins Iowa, this gives Giuliani a good chance in N.H. Lets be honest here, Romney is a good candidate but he is a Mormon, the USA is not quite ready for a Mormon President, not fair but that is the reality of American politics.
Rasmussen: A Daily Poll by the respected pollster, my man Huckabee is on the way up, good debate performance. Here are the raw figures:
Giuliani 22 %
Huckabee 17 %
Giuliani 22 %
Huckabee 17 %
Is Huckabee the next President of the United States? I think he has a very good chance against either Obama or Clinton.
New Iowa Poll
DesMoinesRegister: A new polls that shows that Obama is now ahead in Iowa. Here are the raw figures for the two leading candidates:
Obama 28 %
Clinton 25 %
Obama 28 %
Clinton 25 %
I think Clinton should give up on Iowa, move main operations to N.H. The reason being, that if she was to lose Iowa she could claim that she had decided to stress N.H first. In the poll Edwards in just two percent behind. What happens if Hillary Clinton should come third in Iowa. Is the race over for the Clinton Campaign.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Republican Debate
Last night I graded Mike Huckabee the winner of the debate, lets have a look at how Time grades the Debate. Also Huckabee the winner, could Huckabee go all the way to the Oval Office.
Michelle Malkin Must Read on CNN
Michelle Malkin has more on the CNN dirty pool at the debate, more Democratic Questions.
Dirty Pool CNN Style !!
CNN: It seems that the once respected network set up the Republican Candidates. The use of Democratic Supporter of Hillary Clinton to ask a question that would never get a reply that would make Liberals Happy. THE QUESTION DID CNN KNOW, WHO KNEW THE CIRCUMSTANCE OF THE QUESTION AND WHO ELSE WAS TOLD.
Huckabee Win
Just finished watching the Republican Debate, Huckabee won the debate, he was funny, charming, spoke like Ronald Reagan. I see a bright future for Huckabee.
Nuclear Israel
NYT: The paper of record has an interesting article on the development of the bomb by Israel and the concern of the Nixon Administration at the time. This is really about Iran, how the NYT does not want a war and in its mind, Israel = Iran. Yes folks that is the mind set at the New York Times.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Iowa Poll
The respected pollster Rasmussen has a new Poll out on Iowa. This could be very interesting for the race in the long term,
Huckabee 28 %
Romney 25 %
Huckabee 28 %
Romney 25 %
If Huckabee can win in Iowa this can damage the Romney Campaign plan. The plan was to win Iowa and New Hampshire, if he only wins one of them it allows Giuliani time to win in later states. I wonder if Governor Huckabee is looking for the VP spot under Giuliani.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Senator Kennedy's Memoirs
Views was pleased to hear that Senator Edward Kennedy is to write his memoirs, just a piece of advice really, remember Bill Clinton's book, so in other words, do the main points and keep it under a thousand pages. Will buy when it comes out, bought the Clinton book, just be honest that's all I ask, honesty sells books.
Dirty Pool the American Way
The rumour the Hillary Clinton is a Lesbian comes from the dirty pool that is the race for the American Presidency. Views read the article in the UK Times was surprised that the article was written never mind printed but didn't blog on the issue. I have standards. But its not going away, its going from reporting dirty pool to reporting on the reaction, lets get it straight, this is a way for the American Elite Media to run the story without running the story, you follow the logic.
Simple answer, it does not matter what side of the bed Clinton gets out of, its none and repeat none of our business. The polices of Hillary Clinton are enough to make her a losing candidate. I call on the press report political news but don't get down and dirty, political reporting should be about Issues and character, not this dirty pool.
Billie Piper Back
The great news of the day, Billie Piper is back in Dr Who, she is the heart of Dr Who while David Tennant is the soul. It makes for perfect Drama, Saturday is as it should be, Dr Who with Rose saving the Universe every week and a bit of romance.
The Reagan Crown ?
Of the 2008 Republican candidates for President who is the heir to Ronald Reagan, Fred Thompson is a politician turned actor back to politician; Reagan wanted to be President does Thompson; Giuliani is Liberal Conservative who has discovered his Reagan side, McCain is not trusted by the base, Huckabee is a Conservative who is a realist a lot like Reagan. I think Reagan would have smiled on Huckabee.
Clinton the Loser ?
A new polls show that Hillary Clinton cant win against the front running Republicans, this is the time for Obama to point this out, she is the Howard Dean of 2008. Obama has the best chance of winning in 2008.
Not me Guv !!
The donations row goes on, latest developments, Brown, Benn turned down money from David Abrahams, while the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Commons Harriet Harman took money. The problem for Brown is that he cant sack Harman because she is the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, but he can sack her as Leader of the Commons. This story has a feel of more developments down the road...
Monday, November 26, 2007
Real World Iraq
FT: A interesting article in the FT, how the Democrats have to deal with the reality of Iraq and not allow themselves to pander or face the charge that that they don't want victory. On this Issue Hillary Clinton has the right policy. A must read of the day.
Labour Troubles!!
The BBC reports that the General Secretary of the Labour Party has resigned because he didn't disclose the full details of donations to the Labour Party, he didnt know the law it seems, Northern Rock, Benefits Details of 25 million go missing, donations in secret. Grow up Labour or you will go the way of the Major government.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Twenties in Colour- Part 3
Why this great series is on BBC 4 is beyond me, episode 3 dealt with the Far East, Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan and the Jewel in the Crown India. It looked at a lost world, all things change as is life, but change should always allow an aspect of the past to be present.
Reality and Democrats
New York Times: The paper of record points out that the Democratic Candidates for President have to deal with the Reality of success in Iraq. Thus as NYT as points out they have to move the goal posts to the political aspect. The general election is a year away, what happens if there is political movement in Iraq, what will the Democrats run on in 2008
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
2004 Presidential Race
A interesting article in the New York Times on the 2004 Presidential Race and the political relationship between Senator Kerry and Senator Edwards. Or how not to have a political relationship. Must Read of the day.
Clinton Fading in Race
A CNN poll in New Hampshire is showing cracks in the Clinton Campaign, her lead has declined. The Clinton now leads Obama by 14 points, what if she was to lose Iowa, could Obama win in New Hampshire.
This is the chance for Obama to win the nomination, Hillary Clinton has feed in to negative views of her, but it must be stated that she is still favorite to win the nomination.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Iran and Liberals
USA Today: Looks at the problem of Iran, the article shows more about the paper than Iran. They are concerned about the reaction should the USA attack Iran by Air. The main worry should be a nuclear attack on Israel by Iran. The USA should diplomacy fail will have to attack Iran. Its a matter of when not if when it comes to Iran.
Obama and Iowa
Obama is starting to lead Hillary Clinton in Iowa, has the dirty pool of the past few days had an effect on the good people of Iowa. That they see the Clinton Machine for what It is, good on politics but morality is another matter.
ABC/Washington Post: Iowa ( January 3 Polling Date )
Obama 30 %
Clinton 26 %
More Good News out of Iraq
New York Times: More good news from Baghdad and its outskirts, nice to see a once great paper telling it as it is not what it wants, lets hope it keeps reporting the news not what is liberal base wants to hear in the USA.
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Twenties in Colour
The Archive Albert Kahn covered the development of the Middle East after the First World War, this was one of the best documentaries on the region I have ever seen, this is what the BBC should be doing with the tax payers money, not and I repeat not reality shows!! More like this BBC.
The Art of Political Dirt
The political dirt is being thrown but in a very subtle away, has Obama something to hide ?, it does not matter if not, the question has been placed out there in cyberspace, is the Clinton machine acting like Richard Nixon, does not matter if they are, its the Clinton's they have to prove their not; its out there in cyber land. The question why, who benefits, and who benefits in a tricky way. No Democrats you cant blame Karl Rove he is a Republican. The question has to be asked did Obama Campaign decided to be negative in a tricky way, plant a story as to make the Clinton's look bad, to risky, if your over 30 and a candidate for Sheriff or President there is a chance of some dirt so don't see Obama doing it, the Clinton's are they really that worried about Obama in Iowa, a good chance, so who does the arrow lead to, well in less they can proof a negative the Clinton Campaign they have track record, the Clinton Women. I hope the Democratic voters show their dislike of this tactic and support Obama in Iowa.
Clinton and Nixon
Fox News: Reports that Robert Novak stands by his story that the Clinton Campaign has dirt on Senator Obama but wont use it, this argument started on Saturday between Clinton and Obama, both want to come out ahead on this story. Today Novak has gone further, he has compared the Clinton Campaign to Richard Nixon. Clinton's and Nixon different side of the same coin, just Nixon was more clever when it came Foreign Policy.
Democrats on Iran
Robert Novak: Interesting article by Novak on the problem of Iran and its effect on the Democratic race. The American Left does not want a war with Iran, but the American left is not the the whole country. Both Obama and Clinton know that in the general election they can not be seen as weak on national security.
Iowa Election Race
USA Today: Interesting article on what Democratic Voters want, its simple, they want a winner. If the polls are right that has to be Obama.
Iraq News
New York Times: Even the Liberal NYT sees good news coming out of Iraq, the Times writes the following, " ....violence had diminished significantly since the United States reinforced troop levels in Iraq and adopted a new counterinsurgency strategy. " Thus the New York Times has seen the light, its about time the Democratic Leaders in Congress stop the pandering and acted as leaders in the United States Congress.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A Poem
The Time is coming
The Vote, The Vote
No More Speeches just pleading
Iowa Cold so Cold
Iowa VOTE for me in the Cold of Iowa
Iowa Meet in the cold
VOTE FOR ME is the cry in the Cold
Cold the Cold but Vote
Obama, Clinton in Iowa Cold
VOTE for me Cold Iowa
Iowa Cold, Iowa Vote
VOTE for me, leave the warmth for the Cold
Cold Iowa, Warm Iowa, VOTE
Cold Iowa, Cold Iowa VOTE
Blair and Brown and the Truth
BBC: Reports that Former Prime Minister Tony Blair admits that he had problems with Gordon Brown. The present Cabinet is starting to have problems with the PM.
Pakistan Update
The State Department No2 is in Pakistan, the Americans are placing pressure on the President of Pakistan to return to Democracy.
New York Times: This is a very interesting article that looks at what could happen, think UBL with the bomb. Makes you have nightmares of the different course Pakistan could take, a must read.
New York Times: This is a very interesting article that looks at what could happen, think UBL with the bomb. Makes you have nightmares of the different course Pakistan could take, a must read.
Iraq Praise
Washington Post: Praise for the Iraq troop surge and President Bush, but a worry that the success wont be matched on the ground on the political front. A very good article worth a read.
Obama on the attack ( About Time )
The Politico: Reports that Obama has come out on the attack over the Novak article, pointing the finger at the Clinton Campaign, clever move, make the Clinton Campaign look bad hope some of the mud sticks; its the Clinton's has to have some effect; make the history of the Clinton's a issue without going in to the history, the history is out there already. Bill Clinton never got over 50 % of the vote in two national campaigns.
Dirty Pool of Politics
Robert Novak: Is reporting that the Clinton Campaign has some dirt on Senator Obama but has decided not to use the information. Very sublet trick not a new but effective, give the impression that you are above the fight but give the impression that there is dirt on your opponent.
Friday, November 16, 2007
The Left and Iraq
The American left learn nothing and offer nothing, have just read the most ill conceived article on Iraq I have read in a long time. A article in the Washington Post states the following on Iraq and its regional neighbours, " If we clearly state our intent to leave, these states will have incentive to intervene constructively,.." The only action Iran will take away from the USA leaving is that it is weak and thus it can develop the bomb. Israel will attack and we will have a regional war. If this is the level of intelligence on the left god help the west.
More on Iran
Guardian ( UK ): Even the left wing British Guardian can see that a showdown is coming between the USA and Iran. The Showdown is coming, there will be air strikes it's just a matter of when, the Bush Administration will act before January 20 2009.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Iran Build Up to War ?
BBC: Reports that Iran is developing its nuclear build up, the BBC see some positives but then the BBC cant see the truth when it comes to Iran.
Vegas Debate
Bloomberg.com: A look at the Democratic Debate Friday Morning and how Hillary Clinton has run her Campaign, this is the time for her Democratic Opponents to over take her in Iowa.
New A.G on the Stage
CNN: Reports that the new Attorney General, Judge Mukasey has stated that he would advice the President to Veto new legislation from the Congress that would harm the National Security of the United States. Of course the legislation is coming from the Democrats.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Death in Afghanistan
BBC: Reports that a British Soldier has died due to an explosion incident in Afghanistan. More deaths will come, this war will take a long time, lets hope Pakistan calms down, we don't need unrest over the border feeding in to the military problem in Afghanistan. In Total British losses stand at 84, the deaths combine accidents and those that have died in combat.
Democrats and Bad Politics
CNN: Reports that the Democrats in the Senate will try again to get troops out of Iraq, and if the Bush White House wont go along with their scheme the Troops wont get their money till April. One major point to the plonker who thought this up, do you really want a issue of National Security to be played out during a Presidential Election. The one thing bar Hillary Clinton getting the nomination that could help the Republicans is the perceived weakness of Democrats on national security. VERY BAD POLITICS.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Pakistan Update
New York Times: The unrest in Pakistan know sees Benazir Bhutto the former Prime Minister stuck at her home with troops prevent her leaving to protest. The President should take a long holiday in the USA, at his own idea not with a mob at his back, honourable retirement always good for an Officer.
Elite Media and Iraq
New York Post: A look at how the elite media is dealing with the success in Iraq. That's a correction how they are not dealing with the success, is that a great surprise these days. Must Read of the Day.
The Democrats and Power and how not to use Power
Washington Post: Interesting article by E.J. Dionne how the Democrats are in office but its seems without the power. As Dionne states on the Democrats, "They are condemned for selling out to President Bush, and for failing to make compromises aimed at getting things done. " The problem is simple, the base is Liberal but the new majority that the Democrats have in the House are from Conservative districts, they cant end the war and win but the base wants to end the war at any cost.
Clinton Files in the Archive !
Washington Post: Interesting article that to be fair to the Clinton's shows that it would take years for the documents in the Clinton Library to come out, lets put it this way, don't hold your breath for the records to come out by next November.
Another Planted Question !!
CNN: The scandal that wont go away, it seems the Clinton Campaign has a strategy to plant questions so the Senator does not have to deal with hard questions, we know from the Debate she does not cope well with hard honest questions. Wake up Democratic Party she is not Bill, you might want him, but she is the candidate not him, Obama should get your support.
Democrats and the War
The Politico: Interesting article on the Democrats and the Iraq War. In 2006 the Democrats won Congress based on a War that was not going well, and the idea that they could change policy without the need to go through President George W. Bush. The Democrats have found they cant stop the War, they have to may Conservative Democrats elected in November of 2006 and President Bush has the power to Veto any Bills on the the war that they can produce. The Politico writes the following, " Indeed, the only war legislation passed during this Congress has been to give the president exactly what he wants, and exactly what he has had for the past five years: more money, with no limitations. " The one major change since November 2006 is Iraq, the surge is working, the Democrats have dug themselves a major hole, they need things to go in wrong in Iraq to win. Not good politics at all for the long term. Iraq and 2008 Election just might be a positive for the Republicans.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Meet the Press
Meet the Press: Senator Obama was on today, at first I though it was a disaster, so Liberal views on Foreign Policy, then I recalled this is Democratic Race not the General Election. I always thought the Democratic Party would support an African - American Candidate who can win the General Election for President. It odd that the Party of LBJ and civil rights is following the Conservative Line, and supporting the Wife of a former President. Hillary Clinton is able lawyer and Senator but lets be honest, if her name was Smith she would be lucky to be considered for the Vice - Presidency. Senator Obama has given the base what it wants when it comes to Foreign Policy I hope they have the nerve to support him NOW. In the General Election Obama could win, even old conservatives like VIEWS could support him, he has the same charisma as Ronald Reagan, you might not agree with all the things he might say but you trust him to be honest with the people.
Freedom of the Press
BBC: Reports that that Three Reports from the British Telegraph have been thrown out of Pakistan. The President does himself no favours this is the time for him to take a long holiday in the USA a very long holiday. Then Pakistan can take the road back to Democracy.
Another Question to Plant ?
Fox News: Reports that the Clinton Campaign tried to plant another question, it failed to come off then lied about the circumstances of the question. Is the arrogance of the Clinton Campaign not matching their competence.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Plant a Question with Regreat !!
CNN: Reports that the Clinton Campaign planted a question at Q/A session. The Clinton campaign is showing very bad politics, its an affront to good politics if nothing else. Its second rate at the Clinton Campaign just as we head in to the first Votes in Iowa. I thought on the whole Clinton would win the nomination but these blunders are mounting. If the Senators Democratic Opponents are going to win this is the time to stop Hillary Clinton and the place is Iowa. The good people of Iowa don't like to be conned or used by those they elect. This and her other blunders could cost Hillary Clinton Iowa.
U.S Deaths in Afghanistan
BBC: Reports that Six U.S soldiers have been killed in combat in Afghanistan. This is going to be a very long war, am not sure there is an end date for this war.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Oh Bill !!
CNN: Has an interesting report that Bill Clinton has take responsibility for the failure of Health Care Reform early in in his Administration. Advice Again, second time, Mr President will all due respect, keep quite your not helping your wife quite the reverse. The Junior Senator is running on her secret record as First Lady the good and bad outcomes. Mr President there is a time to be a gentleman, aka over Monica Lewinsky and tell the truth and there is a time to be quite. This is the time, one can see the Republicans, Democrat Opponents running on this every hour of every day. Bill Clinton has no discipline, thus Monica Lewinsky, does he really want his wife to win, or deep down does he want to be the only President in the family. Prediction, next Presidential Debate, this will question will come up, " Senator who is telling the truth, who ran the Health Care Reform, you or your husband. " Obama just might win.
New York Times and the New A.G
New York Times: The Times is not really happy that the Senate passed the nomination of Judge Mukasey to be the new Attorney General. The NYT writes the following on Democratic and its own view of the Judge, "..he had failed to take an unequivocal stance against the torture of terrorism detainees. " This shows that the new Attorney General is intelligent and thoughtful, events happen, just watch 24, events events New York Times.
What about Pakistan ?
Washington Post: Excellent article about Pakistan via American Foreign Policy and its context through the Cold War. Time for change, the President of Pakistan might like a long holiday in the United States. The President has been a great help to the Western Allies since 2001. The suspension of Democracy has not worked, time for fresh elections and for the President to retire to the United States.
Reagan and 1980 Campaign
New York Times: A very good article that attempts to correct the impression by those on the left that the Reagan Campaign played the race card in the 1980 Campaign. A excellent article and a pleasant surprise to see in the New York Times. There is hope for this once great paper.
New Attorney General
ABC News: The USA has a new Attorney General. The Senate passed the nomination by 53 -40. The American left did its usual dance of madness, Senator Kennedy went on about the rule of law, was he that interested when President John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy his brothers had Cuba overthrow as a major policy aim and the removal of Castro. On the personal level what about Chappaquiddick Senator. This is a good solid victory for Bush, he should enjoy it, after Xmas and the real start of the 2008 race he will be a lame duck. Hope he does what Reagan did, make sure he gets his book deal done before leaving, early publish more money at the outset.
Twenties in Colour
The story of Albert Kahn goes in to the 1920s, Twenties in Colour on BBC 4 and his project to record the world through pictures and film. This is an excellent show on BBC4, brings the period to life, as a student of World War One, I haven't seen some of these pictures, Paris with the vanquished arms of the Germans is new. Colour brings you closer to the subject, black and white creates a distance. On the other hand if you saw the reality of World War One in Colour it would be to much, black and white allows it to seem distant from this period. I hope the new films gain a good audience and that they learn from the past.
The Great War
BBC: As we come up to Remembrance Day, a chance to read the story of the First British action of World War One. Must Read of the Day.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Polls Warning
CNN: A excellent article on taking Polls are a sure guide to election outcomes. I recall 1992 and the Labour victory, yes they lost. Must Read of the day.
Pressure on Iran
BBC: Reports that both the USA and France will work together to prevent Iran becoming a nuclear armed power. The point will come when diplomacy fails and it will fail, will France back up its words with military support should the USA, UK have to attack Iran by air next year.
Good News from Iraq ?
New York Times: Reports that Al Qaeda has been outed from Baghdad, but as with he NYT it is important to understand the context, the troops can come home, the political discussion in Iraq at national level is still not working, the fighting has left the Capital for the towns outside the surge. Thus even with good news the NYT can help itself has to go negative, if Christ come down in Iraq the NYT would recall the fact that he was from Israel.
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