Monday, May 27, 2024

The US on Rafah Attack - Israeli - Gaza War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The American LEFT in the US will want a more fulsome rebuke of ISRAEL, the Biden Camp needs people of Arab Decent to vote for them in November, the race is close between Biden and Trump, the Trial in New York could bring in a guilty verdict, the State is very Democratic, also the charges are bogus, paying off a porn star in not an offense, but that simple fact might be over the heads of the Jury, thus one expects a guilty verdict and  a long appeal process.   If it is a guilty result, one will be interested to see the polls, could it be the END of Trump, one has  doubts.  Thus in 2024 you have the Israel - Gaza War in the Middle East and the Ukraine War in Europe, either could lead to WW3.

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