Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Israel in CENTRAL Rafah - Israeli - Gaza War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Israeli Government was right to carry on with its action, the terrorists that Israel face will think twice about doing another 7th October, fear goes a long way and might save lives in the long term.   The IDF has to clear Gaza of HAMAS, once and fall all, then it can talk to the Government in the West Bank about them taking control of Gaza under Israeli observation.   On the whole the Biden Administration has been quiet, it can not afford to lose the Jewish vote in November, and November is the most important month here, Trump can not be allowed to get a 2nd Oval Office Term.  That is for the security of the US, Europe and Israel in the Middle East.   The left in the Democratic Party will blow its top, the Democratic Convention in Chicago should be interesting, will the Gaza protesters turn up there?  Will 2024 Convention be like 1968?

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