Monday, May 27, 2024

Israeli PM says ATTACK on Rafah was tragic - Israeli - Gaza War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Israeli has admitted a mistake in this action, that is the right thing to do, but it must keep its nerve, this might be their only chance to take out HAMAS, let' s never forget 7th of October, you are not dealing with a different state, your are dealing with a terrorist group, who murder and rape their prisoners, also some States in Europe have faint hearts, such as the Irish and Norway, they have declared their  support for a Palestinian State, slight it might never happen, the US will never support such a move without the support of Israel, the Jewish State can never take that risk, it would be a THREAT to them. If Israel is going to move, move in fast and hard, otherwise they will be forced by the West to STOP.  The Israeli Government or the PM does not have the support of Trump if he wins in November, thus Israel must act in ruthless manner.

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