Friday, May 31, 2024

Moscow Angry that Western Weapons can be used to attack Russia on the border - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports " Anger in Moscow after Ukraine allowed to hit Russia with Western weapons...Russia has accused Nato and the US of "provoking a new level of tension" after the US and Germany became the latest allies to let Ukraine's military use Western-supplied weapons to strike targets inside Russia. "

Lets Get Real:

The Biden Administration has only modified its strategy, the Kyiv forces can only use their Western Weapons that are close to the border, the new Russian Offensive has been effective, it was a surprise, the Kyiv Forces have to push the Russians back and regain the last lost to the Russians.  The Biden Oval can not afford to lose the Ukraine, how ever much the Russians fume, the next development will be when the Ukraine Air Crew are trained on Western fighter jets the F-16s should five the Kyiv forces the back up they needed.  The day will come when NATO has to send troops in to the Ukraine, that will be the red line for the Russians, then the game will be become very interesting and tension filled. 

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