Friday, May 31, 2024

Biden's PLAN for Gaza Ceasefire - Israeli - Gaza Plan - Biden Era

Sky News - Live Blog: Reports on its 7.08pm post " 

What is Biden's three-phase plan?...

The three-phase plan involves the return of Israeli hostages from Gaza and reconstruction of civilian areas.  "

Lets Get Real:

This plan came out of blue, is it a REAL PLAN, does the Israeli Government support the plan, is this an attempt by Biden so secure his left base at the expense of Israel.  It will be interesting to see what Israel DOES, not what they say, does the WAR in Gaza go on, what does the Biden Oval do if ISRAEL says NO, its not their backyard for the US and Europe.  After 9/11 in the US, the US did not have talks with Al Qaeda is, while Israel is expect to have talks with HAMAS.   All Biden cares about is the November election, in way that is the right mind set, he has to what it takes to beat Trump, the former President and felon is still a THREAT.  The US and the World might get the lucky and the Judge in the case puts Trump in jail.  The World awaits the sentence in New York.

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