Monday, December 05, 2022

You CANNOT TRUST the FRENCH - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The FRENCH are up to their old tricks, stabbing the WEST in the back, the French President thinks himself a great political leader, he has been on the phone to Putin more than any other LEADER is Europe, he wants to bring the War in the Ukraine to an end, thus he and France gets the glory.  The West has to be UNITED, neither the French or Germans should allowed to do their cowboy diplomacy, they are not very good at it, if the past is anything to go by.  The French it seems have a problem with holding the line, if WW1 and WW2 are anything to by, also the French for years were not in the NATO Command structure.  The Biden Oval needs to get on the phone to Macron and tell him to back off, the US and the UK are the lead powers when it comes to the Ukraine, we do not need the French pushing the noses in to the business of the Ukraine, however much the French President thinks he knows the solution.

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