Monday, December 05, 2022

Have Ukrainian Forces hit airfields in Russia ? - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

As the military sides go into trench warfare the battle will be done by drones and airplanes, thus one can expect more attacks on Russia from the air and by special forces.  The Russians it seems have endless cruise missiles, and thus their constant attacks on the Ukraine and its power infrastructure, and the aim to force the people of the Ukraine to press their government for a ceasefire, this is the last thing that the Kyiv Government should be thinking about.  The trench battles will go through the winter, one doubt that much ground will be taken, if WW1 is any example.  That only changed in 1917 when the US entered the WAR and their troops arrived in France.  The WAR in the Ukraine will only stop when the Russians lose the war and are seen to lose the war.  That is the only protection for the Baltic States and Poland.  Ukraine must not buckle and that goes for the West too. 

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