Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Right Wing Coup ATTEMPT thwarted in Germany - Modern Germany

Lets Get Real:

This is shocking news from modern Germany, one would have thought after World War 2 that the Germans would have learned the historic lessons from that nightmare, one can now see why they take their school age children to concentration camps SO that future generations do not go through the same process, ( this blog thought that it was a bit extreme to take modern Germans back to that period, it seems this blog was wrong ).  The German State has to keep its eyes and ears open to such threats, as the US showed in 2020, Countries that would never think of such things happen can happen if the left or right are not kept a close eye on. NOTHING like that can happen in the UK, we fought to World Wars to prevent that, the centre right might complain about the usual suspects, the BBC over Brexit, the Guardian over everything, Channel 4 News etc, but we accept its part of DEMOCRATIC Country to listen to the other side, even if your eyebrows do go up sometimes, we would never put them in the TOWER OF LONDON, we are better than that, one does hope that MI5 and GCHQ have their eyes and ears open, such threats must be ended before they become a THREAT.

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